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Chairs, Research
In Morocco, the Chair "Data Science and Industrial Processes" co-organises the "Winter School - Generative AI"
The "Data Science and Industrial Processes" Chair, in partnership with UM6P, co-directed at École Polytechnique by Eric Moulines and supported by the OCP Group, helped organize the "Winter School - Generative AI" conference held from February 26 to March 1, 2024 in Morocco.
École Polytechnique hosts a regional final of the 3-Minutes Thesis competition
Ten young researchers, most of them from École Polytechnique’s laboratories, presented their thesis topics at this event organized at École polytechnique by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, of which École polytechnique is a founding member. Marie Sigallon and Elie Kadoche have been selected to represent IP Paris at the national semi-final to be held in April 2024.
Five Ecole Polytechnique researchers awarded the CNRS bronze medal
Every year, the CNRS medals are awarded to researchers and staff who have made an outstanding contribution to the institution's dynamism and reputation.
First location of a gamma-ray source in a microquasar
The H.E.S.S. observatory, which involves the Leprince-Ringuet Laboratory (LLR) at École polytechnique and Institut Polytechnique de Paris, has captured very high-energy photons from the SS 433 microquasar. This indicates that particles are being accelerated at an extreme rate. Scientists have been able to pinpoint the precise location of this acceleration, a first that will help to unravel its mechanisms. The results have just been published in Science magazine.
Probing biominerals: two (or three) photons are better than one
A team from the Optics and Biosciences Laboratory (LOB*) has obtained proof-of-principle for the classification of kidney stones using multi-photon microscopy combined with polarimetry. This optical method, which has been published in the journal ACS Photonics, could open up new prospects for biomineral analysis and improved patient management.A team from the Optics and Biosciences Laboratory (LOB*) has obtained proof-of-principle for the classification of kidney stones using multi-photon microscopy combined with polarimetry. This optical method, which has been published in the journal ACS Photonics, could open up new prospects for biomineral analysis and improved patient management.
A better understanding of cell mechanical property measures
A team from the Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LadHyX) has published an article in Biophysical Journal describing measurements of the mechanical properties of cells. An image of their experiment is featured on the cover. Here is what it looks like.
Two researchers from École Polytechnique’s laboratories elected to the French Academy of Sciences
Josselin Garnier, researcher at the Centre for Applied Mathematics (CMAP) and Sandrine Bony, Research Director at the CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique within the Laboratory of Dynamic Meteorology (LMD) are among the 18 scientists newly elected to the French Academy of Sciences.
Chairs, Research
Inauguration of the Chair "Physics of high energy densities and inertial fusion"
The École Polytechnique and the Military Applications Division of CEA are launching the "Physics of High Energy Densities and Inertial Fusion" Chair to help train students in the physics of high energy densities, and to facilitate the emergence of research collaborations on topics such as fusion for energy by inertial confinement or the physics of magnetised plasmas.
Campus, Research
École Polytechnique hosts the SpaceCon 2023 event
Created by three alumni of École Polytechnique, the event dedicated to space and its exploration takes place from November 17th to 19th on the School’s campus. Hosting SpaceCon 2023 illustrates École Polytechnique's strong commitment to its research, training and innovation missions, and to meeting the most ambitious challenges in space research and exploration.
COMHET: A new laboratory for the space propulsion of tomorrow
Confirming its contribution to research excellence in France and to the development of tomorrow's space technologies, École Polytechnique is participating alongside CNRS and Safran Electronics & Defense in the creation of a joint laboratory, COMHET, dedicated to improving space thruster technologies.
Campus, Research
An architectural project to give shape to the XSeaO2 program financed by the Ifker fund
Since October 2022, École Polytechnique has been working with École Penninghen to develop a demonstrator for the XSeaO2 program, financed by the Ifker fund, and aimed at recovering CO2 dissolved in seawater to produce synthetic fuel. The Nautilus project, designed by students at École Penninghen, was chosen as the basis for the sensor design.
Sabrina Speich (LMD) collaborates on the WHIRLS project, funded by an ERC Synergy grant
The WHIRLS project, which studies the role of ocean eddies on climate, is one of 37 Synergy grant projects announced on October 26 by the European Research Council (ERC). Sabrina Speich from École Normale Supérieure de Paris and researcher at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD) is leading this project with three other researchers.