Call for proposals


Supporting pedagogical innovation for active learning


🚀 Presentation of the Call for Proposals

With the support of the Fondation de l'X, École Polytechnique encourages pedagogical innovation by supporting teacher initiatives.

The proposals selected will be able to explore new approaches, such as artificial intelligence, gamification and personalized courses.

📅 Important dates:

  • Session 1: February 19 - April 30, 2025
  • Session 2: September 1 - November 30, 2025

❓ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the eligibility requirements?

Be a teacher at École Polytechnique and propose a project as part of the Bachelor, engineering cycle, Masters or MSc&T.

What expenses are eligible?

Operating expenses, external service providers, licenses and educational dissemination actions.

How does the selection process work?

The applications are evaluated by a jury made up of teachers and educational managers.

📩 Contact:

For any questions regarding the application requirements: Eric Vantroeyen

Teaching support:
For any questions or requests for pedagogical support: Teaching & Learning Center

File submission

Enter the project leader's name in this field.
Please send the project description file based on the template provided.
The document must contain 4 sections: the project identity sheet, the financial sheet, the pedagogical sheet and the CV(s).
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.