Pedagogical cafés: the monthly educational meeting

- teacher feedback - 10/15 minutes: Come and present an educational initiative, an organization or a project
- presentation of subjects by educational engineers and intervention of experts in pedagogy
(IN A BOX) Here are the dates of the pedagogical cafés for the year 2022:
Thursday, January 13 at 2pm
Special "Notebook Jupyter / JupyterBook / JupyterHub for teaching"
Thursday, February 24 at 11am
Thursday, March 24 at 11am
Thursday April 14 at 11am
Thursday, May 12 at 11am
Thursday, June 23rd at 11am
Thursday, July 21 at 11am
**How to find us
We are keeping the bi-modal format!
**In person**: Room 11 of the Drahi X Novation Center - 1st floor
For organization, please indicate your presence by filling out the form [BUTTON: Participation Form](