The master's degree at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris gave me much research experience, with many internships in laboratory work.
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Join the department : Master, Ph.D. track, Faculty
The program aims to
- Provide students with high-level experimental and theoretical scientific training based on a broad spectrum of current research topics in chemistry.
- Immerse students in a research laboratory environment to gain experience with new experimental techniques through a "learning by doing" approach.
- Promote knowledge and understanding of chemistry through direct contact with researchers and current scientific issues.
This five-year program offers excellent research training to high-potential students seeking an international career in leading academic institutions or companies.
The PhD Track is a five-year program of excellence (bac+4 to bac+8), with a research focus, including a Master's degree with "à la carte" courses and research internships, followed by a PhD. You'll earn a Master's degree and a PhD.
The PhD track of the :
The Institut Polytechnique de Paris offers a doctoral program open to the best national and international students, enabling them to contribute to cutting-edge research.
Internationally recognized as a diploma of excellence and a marker of a very high level of expertise, the doctorate opens the door to highly qualified jobs in both the public and private sectors. In addition to access to the academic world, it opens up major long-term career opportunities, based on the specific skills attained during the doctorate and widely recognized in the socio-economic world for highly qualified jobs.
PhDs at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Analyse des interfaces dans les cellules solaires tandem à base de pérovskite à l'aide de techniques avancées de spectroscopie et de science des données
Analysis of Interfaces in Perovskite-Based Tandem Solar Cells with Advanced Spectroscopy and Data Science Techniques
Approches spectroscopiques in situ avancées pour évaluer les absorbeurs photovoltaïques en tant qu'électrodes pour la production de carburant solaire
Advanced In-Situ Spectroscopic Approaches for Evaluating Photovoltaic Absorbers as Electrodes for Solar-to-Fuel Conversion
Complexes de métaux abondants à ligand iminophosphorane pour des applications en optique et/ou catalyse
Earth-abundant metal complexes supported by iminophosphorane ligands for applications in optics and/or catalysis
Complexes organométalliques d'éléments f avec de grands ligands aromatiques
Organometallic complexes of f-elements with large aromatic ligands
Développement de nouvelles méthodologies en chimie analytique environnementale pour la métabolomique spatialisée
Development of new methodologies in environmental analytical chemistry for spatialized metabolomics
Etude Electrochimique de la Capture du CO2
Electrochemical Study of CO2 Capture
Molécules et matériaux innovants pour la capture directe du CO2 atmosphérique
Innovative molecules and materials for the direct capture of atmospheric CO2 (DAC)
Transformation de CO et CO2 en molécules à haute valeur ajoutée par des complexes de lanthanides à basse valence
Upgrading of CO and CO2 into Value-Added Products by Low-Valent Lanthanide Complexes
Nouvelle génération de précurseurs moléculaires pour l’impression 3D sub-micrométrique assistée par LASER
New generation of molecular precursors for sub-micrometric laser-assisted 3D printing
Cycloadditions métallocatalysées de nouveaux intermédiaires dipolaires
Transition-metal catalyzed cycloadditions of new dipolar intermediates
Contrôle électrique des propriétés optiques de dispositifs à boites quantiques, vers leur utilisation pour la photonique intégrée
Electrical Control of Optical Properties in Quantum Dot Devices Toward their Integration in Photonic Chips
Couches minces MOF (Metal Organic Framework) sur silicium
MOF layers on silicon surfaces
Films minces nanostructurés à base de carbone pour des matériaux innovants
Nanostructured carbon-based thin films for innovative materials
Silicium amorphe méthylé dopé au bore pour batteries à ions lithium
Boron-doped methylated amorphous silicon for Li-ion batteries
Feel free to contact the department's researchers directly to work out a tailor-made doctoral project.
- Tenure track assistant professor in materials chemistry - Full-time
- Associate professor in Computational Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry and/or Chemistry and AI - Part-time