Diversity & Success Center

For over 10 years, École Polytechnique has been designing and developing equal opportunity programs to enable everyone, regardless of gender, social origin or place of residence, to access to the best scientific programs. The Diversity & Success Center's actions target middle school students, high school students and preparatory classes students.
Our missions

The Diversity & Sucess Center is the department of the School that organizes and coordinates programs in favor of equal opportunies.

It intervenes at various key stages of schooling, from 3rd grade to the scientific preparatory class.

Our target : the most vulnerable students, from areas that need it most: priority education, urban policy areas, overseas territories, isolated areas, etc.

Our mission : to enable them to dare, to enlighten them on other fields of possibility so that they can surpass themselves in the representation they have of ambition, work and success.

Thanks to the mobilization of its network, the center facilitates meetings and sharing between people from different backgrounds: Polytechnic students, middle school students, high school students, high school teachers, teachers and researchers from the École Centrale Paris, alumni networks...

Throughout the year, all of the actions are designed to inform, support, inspire and equip :

  • Weekly tutoring of high school students
  • Actions to promote scientific careers
  • Organization of inspiring meetings
  • Immersion in the world of a Grande École of engineering
  • Support for scholarship students in scientific preparatory classes
  • Visits to the École Polytechnique campus and the IP Paris schools
  • Days dedicated to the representation of women in the scientific field
  • Creation and provision of digital resources
Our impact 
  • 16 000 middle school students, high school students and preparatory classes students
  • 30 academies including overseas departement of France
  • 800 students and professionals involved
Our team
  • Alice Carpentier - Head of Diversity and Success Center

Graduated of a business school, Alice has worked in numerous associations in the field of integration and support towards employment for adults and young graduates.

"Of course, the only limits are the ones we give ourselves, but to make a good decision, we must be properly informed. To me, the levers of equal opportunity are therefore information and the fight against self-censorship. Through our various actions and programs, we strive to provide our high school members with the keys and tools they need to develop their projects and build their success."

  • Juliette Toumelin - Communication Officer

Graduated of a business school, Juliette has studied communication and marketing.

"Helping high school students, through our actions, to go beyond their barriers and persevere in their studies has allowed me to give meaning to my career and especially offered me the possibility to combine the communication aspect of my curriculum with actions in favor of equal opportunities, which are essential."

  • Aurore Rosa - High School Project Manager

Graduated of London Metropolitan University, Aurore has studied business and marketing.

"To me diversity is a strength. Joining the Diversity and Success Center and allowing high school and university students from the Paris Institute of Technology to meet each other thanks to our equal opportunity actions is a source of inspiration. The future belongs to young talent and it is promising."

  • Patrick Migneaux - Coordinator 

Holder of university diplomas in physical preparation and head instructor of physical and sports training, Patrick has had a military career of nearly 40 years in physical and sports education and joined the Diversity and Success Center service to bring his experience and knowledge after spending 7 years  at the École Polytechnique.

"I feel that our society today does not give enough importance and opportunity to the youth, especially for the 16-25 year olds. This is one of the main reasons why I came in the center; bringing together and accompanying young people around common projects is a great challenge to take up!

  • Milan Hamideche - Apprentice in charge of communication

An apprentice in a Master's program at a business school, Milan is studying business and management.

"Joining the Diversity and Success Center at École Polytechnique as an apprentice is a great opportunity for me. Indeed, the missions I have been given are a real enrichment, both personally and professionally. Helping to reduce the self-censorship that high school and college students inflict on themselves and contributing to the development of diversity within X are actions that make sense."

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