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- Chairs In Innovative Economy and Responsible Management
Chairs in innovative economy and responsible management

Technology for Change: Environment, Society & Industry
Open systems, systemic innovation, sustainable development, social and inclusive innovation, technological innovation, transformation, change
The Chair “Technology for Change: Environment, Society & Industry” of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris has for mission to help overcome the critical challenges currently faced worldwide by Humanity (e.g. climate change, natural resources depletion, inequalities) by investigating the role of science and technologies in helping tackle “Great Challenges”, and conversely how doing so can lead to virtuous technology development paths. Led by Prof. Thierry Rayna and supported by Accenture, the Chair’s teaching and research activities aim to facilitate and foster synergies between technology development, sustainable development, and inclusive innovation. The Chair’s activities are carried out in close collaboration with the four interdisciplinary research centres of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris. The Chair aims to be a leader on transition technologies.
Holders: Thierry Rayna, Professor of Innovation Management at Ecole Polytechnique and fellow of the Management Research Centre of the CNRS (French National Research Council) Interdisciplinary Innovation Institute (i³-CRG).
Type de mécénat : Chair
Date de création : September 2021
Partenaires : Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Econophysics and complex systems
Macro- and microeconomy, analytical methods, human and social sciences
The research chair « Econophysics & Complex Systems » ambitions to develop tools to understand the dynamics of economic systems, while also going beyond the very theoretical scope of the usual models. Coordinated by Michael Benzaquen, this chair uses an analytical approach derived from statistical physics models to study aggregated behaviours with interactions, heterogeneities and feedback loops. Since 2018, this research is supported by the support of Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, president of Capital fund Management, one of the France’s largest hedge funds. CFM provides both infrastructure and data to enrich the models developed by Pr Benzaquen’s team.
Holders: Michael Benzaquen, CNRS researcher at the Laboratoire d’hydrodynamique (LadHyX– joint research unit CNRS – Ecole Polytechnique) and professor at the Ecole Polytechnique of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Sponsorship type: chair
Creation date: 01/11/2018
Partenaires : Institut Louis Bachelier, Fondation de l'X
Innovation and regulation of digital services
Digital economy, new technologies, regulation, human and social sciences
Held by Thierry Rayna, Marie-Laure Allain and Marc Bourreau, the chair « Innovation et régulation des services numériques » studies the impact of new digital technologies on several market parameters though theoretical, empirical and prospective analysis. Supported by Orange since its creation in 2007, the chair’s research and teaching are oriented towards tomorrow’s digital services, notably linked to the regulation of digital economy, and also to the control of personal data exchanges.
Holders: Thierry Rayna, professor at the Centre de recherche en Gestion (i3-CRG – joint research unit CNRS – Ecole Polytechnique) at the Ecole Polytechnique of the l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Marie-Laure Allain, CNRS research director at the Centre de recherche en économie et statistique (CREST – joint research unit CNRS – Ecole Polytechnique - ENSAE) and professor at the Ecole Polytechnique of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Marc Bourreau, professor at Télécom Paris of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Sponsorship type: Chair
Creation date: 24/09/2007
Partenaires : Télécom Paris, Fondation de l'X