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  • The 10 Five-year Objectives of The École Polytechnique's Climate Plan

The 10 five-year objectives of the École Polytechnique's Climate Plan

The École Polytechnique's Climate Plan sets out 10 achievable objectives for the next five years, grouped into three pillars - train and engage, develop and innovate, reduce and empower - in order to profoundly transform behaviors and contribute to the advent of a responsible and sustainable prosperity.
26 Jan. 2022
Sustainable Development, Institution, CREST
Scientific level :

The release of the École Polytechnique's Climate Plan underscores its commitment to help build a more sustainable world.

The result of a broad and participatory process that involved the École's academic teams, staff, students and partners, this Climate Plan sets out 10 achievable 5-year objectives, grouped into 3 pillars - train and engage, develop and innovate, and reduce and empower - to profoundly transform behaviors and contribute to the advent of a responsible and sustainable prosperity

The 10 five-year objectives of the Climate Plan

1- Integrate hours of applied training on sustainability issues in 100% of professional courses

2 - Triple the number of hours of mandatory training on sustainability issues for all training courses

3 - Train our collaborators and enable them to apply the ecological transition on a daily basis

4 - Create a campus demonstrating the transition, relying on its research and innovation communities

5 - Integrate sustainable development as a paradigm in 100% of our structuring research projects

6 - Feed a climate fund to support transition actions within the School

7 - Produce an annual mapping of research at IP Paris level on environmental issues and its impact

8 - Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% per campus user in terms of energy

9 - Ensure that 50% of orders are based on responsible purchasing criteria

10 – Put soft modes of transport at the heart of the campus
