Drahi X Novation Center: The eleven start-ups of XUP#13 Demoday

Eleven start-ups supported by the X-Up incubator, the Drahi-X Novation Center at École Polytechnique, or from the X start-up ecosystem pitched their project to business angels, investment funds and potential partners on December 14. They operate in a varipus fields: industry 4.0, medtech and biotech, greentech, energy, fintech, AI, agrotech, and defense.
You will find below a short presentation of each of them.
Amphitrite, co-founded by Alexandre Stegner, Briac Le Vu and Evangelos Moschos, produces innovative, reliable and accurate ocean data that are necessary to make the right decisions at sea. Data from operational ocean models, which are used for many maritime operations, present many uncertainties that complicate decision making at sea. Amphitrite's added value is to merge multiple satellite and in-situ data using artificial intelligence to provide reliable information adapted to the needs of maritime actors. The applications are numerous : in the fields of underwater acoustics, environment, to validate operational numerical models or for a reliable maritime routing of commercial ships, and also for the needs of the Navy.
Epilab, co-founded by Maurice Lubetzki and Clément Dubois, develops and markets a platform for fast and portable screening tests of infectious diseases. The start-up has developed a portable diagnostic test for tuberculosis, the leading cause of infectious death in the world. This easy-to-use and reliable test is positioned at a very early stage before more accurate but also more expensive tests.
Gamma Pulse, co-founded by Carmen Dumitrescu and Olivier Petit, is working on a disruptive technology based on the use of pulsed power plasma to detect concealed explosives and SNM (Special Nuclear Materials). Following the health crisis generated by COVID-19, Gamma Pulse experts developed the "KillViD™" project, an innovative virucidal system. Patents were filed in 2020 and the process has attracted initial investors. The industrialization phase is now in preparation.
Hiperssys, co-founded by Mariam Ezzedine and Fatme Jardali, post-doctoral fellows at the Laboratoire de Physique des Interfaces et des Couches Minces (École Polytechnique/CNRS), is developing a breakthrough technology in the field of energy storage by manufacturing a lithium-sulfur battery composed of nano-structured hybrid cathodes. The start-up is developing a button cell battery with a new architecture and a new active material: sulfur. Offering a higher energy density and a lighter weight, these new generation batteries are more efficient and less expensive, as the materials used for their manufacture are abundant and environmentally friendly. Hiperssys is one of the four winners of the X-Impact Tech 2021 Prize.
Horae Technology, co-founded by Laurent Géronimi, Eloïse Gournay and Benoist Rousseau, is an independent and entrepreneurial portfolio management company that offers an innovative approach to financial market intervention. It uses new technologies, and in particular artificial intelligence, to increase the information capacities of its managers and enable them to seize the best investment opportunities. It is working on the development of reinforcement learning algorithms adapted to trading.
Konatus, and its team, Max Stellmacher, Julien Irondelle and Eric Lemaire, aim to become the leader of a SaaS-based software solution for program and project portfolio management. This solution is intended for companies that manage their development in project mode and are matrix-type organized.
With Manitty, Paul-Antoine Libourel, a neuroscience researcher at the CNRS, Philippe Blasquez and Pascal Garcin, both students of the Executive Master of the École Polytechnique, develop an all-in-one solution for monitoring physical and cerebral states. Composed of miniature and portable sensors, connected to an artificial intelligence platform, it revolutionizes the monitoring and understanding of the body by collecting and correlating numerous physiological and cerebral data. Manitty is one of the three winners of the 11th Gerondeau-Safran Prize.
Proteme and its founders, Valentin Sabatet, Benjamin Vignard and Paul Malfoy, have developed an edible food coating solution for fruits and vegetables. Using natural defense mechanisms against biological aggressions, this protection acts as a second skin for the products and reduces their oxydation. This natural coating extends the shelf life of protected foodstuffs by several weeks.
Metyos, co-founded by Olga Chashchina (X09, PhD in Physics) and Alexandre Boulanger (X08 and Supaéro), specializes in medical devices and develops connected wearable biosensors, a multi-analysis monitoring technology (covering several molecules), in vivo (in the form of a painless patch applied directly to the user's arm) and continuously (with data collection every five minutes). Its solution is primarily aimed at supporting weight loss through a progressive trajectory by teaching users how their body really reacts to their actions in terms of fat storage and destocking in order to achieve their health goals in a sustainable manner. In addition to obesity, Metyos' personalized biosensors could be used to monitor cardiovascular diseases, hormonal diseases or undernutrition issues in hospitals. Metyos is one of the 10 finalists for the X-Impact Tech 2021 Prize.
ProfessorBob.ai is an Edtech startup that has developed a personal learning coach based on individual paths using artificial intelligence. The solution developed by ProfessorBob allows to teach, to ask questions to learners, to answer their questions, and to personalize learning according to their profile. The start-up is led by a team of complementary managers, François-Xavier Hussherr, Samy Lahbabi, Nicolas Rennert, Ha-Quang Le.
Synaplus is an artificial intelligence Deeptech that aims to facilitate and accelerate AI and data science projects to enable companies to better use and value their data. Its co-founders, Charles-Antoine Giuliani and Michel Bastide, have developed a software that offers the ability to carry out any AI & Datascience project in 5 weeks, from the identification of a need to the production launch.