Become a recruitment partner

École Polytechnique creates many opportunities for companies to develop their employer brand for students. In doing so, companies can boost their visibility and attract our talent.

Long-term partnerships

A special partnership - the "Employer Brand" partnership - is offered for a period of 1 to 3 years (renewable), with the objective of highlighting the diversity of your company's carreer opportunities through events/projects that put you in contact with our students. 

Among the services offered:

  • Company visits: a day during which your company opens its doors to a group of Ingénieur Polytechnicien students.
  • Multi-company events on various themes to develop your employer brand. 
  • Distribution of your internship offers via our dedicated internal platform, X-Jobboard.
  • Dissemination of your Collective Scientific Project (CSP) subjects: this project, which concerns all 2nd year engineering students, consists of using one or more scientific disciplines to make a collective contribution to solving a problem.

One-off events not to be missed

X-Forum: the corporate rendez-vous 

École polytechnique forum is a must for companies, grandes écoles and universities, who come to meet future graduates from l'X. The fair is also open to students from Institut polytechnique de Paris.

Organize a one-time event

Breakfast or Company presentation

The "Kès" (Bureau Des Élèves-student association of the Ingénieur Polytechnicien students) offers to companies willing to boost their visibility on the campus, to organize one-off events (breakfast, company presentation, case study, etc.). 

Sponsorship of sports and cultural events of l'X's student associations (Binets).

Junior consulting missions using our student's skills. 

Sponsoring a class

Each year, a company can sponsor a class of Ingénieur Polytechnicien students. It thus becomes the privileged partner of this class and has maximum visibility on the School's campus for two years. This partnership translates into closer contact with the students, including presentations of the company, internship offers, and follow-up of certain school projects in association with the company.