Department of Biology

There is no doubt that a revolution will upset biology, the main science of nature along with physics. The detailed knowledge of many genomes, new microscopies that reveal cellular architecture, the determination of thousands of structures of biomolecules with atomic resolution are just some of the axes of development of this booming science. This results in a change of scale in the knowledge to be managed and valued. An essential characteristic of modern biology is the implementation of new technologies relying heavily on engineering sciences, such as computer science, chemistry, optics, or mechanics. Biology is thus more and more a "quantitative" science which makes extensive use of interdisciplinarity. The stakes for health, food and the environment are considerable.

The biology lessons in the second year provide, for all, an upgrade in molecular and cellular biology.

This leveling serves as a passport to access without difficulty the other courses of the biology department, in year 2 as in year 3. Three additional courses are offered in year 2, in Cellular Biology, on Pathologies and Therapeutic Strategies, and on the Ecology and Biodiversity. A Biology Modal is also offered, which is an introduction to the experimental approach in the life sciences.

The lessons of year 3 are intended for students who want to explore the properties of living things in greater depth and at increasing levels of integration, from molecules to cells and organisms: genetics, reproduction, cloning, architecture and cell speciation, network of cells in communication, ontogeny of the nervous system, populations, genomics. It is a question, in these fields, of providing operational knowledge in Biology which will allow the pupils to continue in this branch.