Erasmus+ program

The Erasmus+ program promotes and supports international mobility for students (study exchanges or internships), doctoral students, researchers, professors, and staff of higher education institutions. Erasmus+ builds on over 30 years of successful programs provided by the European Union for education, training, and youth and comprises intra-European and international cooperation.

Erasmus+ and École polytechnique

In 2020, École Polytechnique was granted the new Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and membership to the Erasmus program for the period 2021-2027. Declaration of École Polytechnique’s international strategy for the Erasmus program 2021-2027.

By signing the Charter, École Polytechnique commits to contributing to the modernization and internationalization of higher education and to respecting the principles and European requirements of the Erasmus Charter, which include:

  • Equal and equitable access and opportunities to current and prospective participants (full respect of the principles of non-discrimination, transparency and
  • Inclusion set out in the Erasmus+ program).
  • Recognition of all credits (ECTS) gained for learning outcomes achieved during study/training abroad carried out in the framework of Erasmus+.
  • Implementation of digital mobility management in line with the technical standards of the European Student Card Initiative.
  • Promotion of environmentally friendly practices in all activities related to the program.
  • Promoting civic engagement and involvement as active citizen before, during and after an international mobility or cooperation project.

École Polytechnique also holds the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education for 2014-2020, which applies to Erasmus projects started in 2020, and is in line with the institution’s international strategy declared upon application.

École Polytechnique Erasmus+ Code: F PALAISE 01
OID Code of the institution: E10208830

The project is funded with the support of the European Commission.

Inclusion et diversity

The Erasmus+ program promotes equal opportunities, inclusion, diversity, and fairness across all its actions. It aims to develop projects that offer equal opportunities, particularly for those candidates who usually have fewer opportunities due to their origins, social, economic, or cultural backgrounds, a disability, or health problems that require particular support.
Hence, the program has set up special mechanisms and resources for these candidates and provides them with additional aid to participate in international mobility opportunities. Candidates with a disability or a long-term illness, or another justified reason, which might hinder mobility, can request a reimbursement of the necessary additional expenses at the Erasmus+ Agency in France.

Sustainable means of transport

The Erasmus+ program calls on higher education institutions to raise awareness of the various actions participants in Erasmus+ projects can take to reduce the carbon and environmental footprint linked to their travels. To encourage participants to choose the most sustainable means of transport to and from their destinations, even though it might cost more, Erasmus+ offers an extra budget for eco-friendly transport.

Erasmus+ grants are distributed within the limits of the credits the Erasmus+ agency in France has allocated to École Polytechnique.

Study exchange and internship within Europe

École Polytechnique encourages students to participate in a study exchange or a traineeship abroad as an integrated part of its degree programs. The school facilitates these international exchanges, and ECTS credits obtained at the host organization abroad can be certified as part of the respective degree program at l’X. To support your international exchange projects, École Polytechnique can also allocate Erasmus+ grants to cover part of your travel and living expenses abroad.

For the academic year 2022-2023, École Polytechnique can allocate Erasmus+ grants to:

  • Students of the Ingénieur Polytechnicien Program who aim to complete their research internship during Year 3 or their studies during Year 4 abroad,
  • Students of the Bachelor of Science program who plan to study at a partner institution abroad during their 3rd year,
  • Students of the Master of Science & Technology programs planning to do their internship during the 2nd year outside France. (Applications for an internship in a university laboratory or a start-up linked to a university are considered a priority.)

The grants are distributed among students from the funds allocated to École Polytechnique by Erasmus+. Within École Polytechnique, the School’s International Affairs office manages the Erasmus+ program.

Special arrangements can be put in place for students from Ukraine.

Destinations within Europe

The study exchanges or internships have to take place at a higher education institution or a research organism located abroad:

In one of the 26 countries of the European Union, not including France: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.

In one of the third countries: Iceland, Lichtenstein, Northern Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom.

These destinations are split into three groups: The grants get calculated based on the cost of living of the host country, as indicated in the table below.

Further information on the Erasmus+ program is accessible here.

Amount of the financial aid:

The amount of financial aid gets calculated according to the duration and the cost of living in the country where the exchange will occur. The aid may be partial and may not cover the entire duration.

For 2022, the following rates apply:
(The rate allocated for international mobility linked to an internship includes €150 more per month than the rate provided for study exchanges.)

  Destinations amount per month amount per day
Group 1 Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, Liechtenstein, Norway €520 €17.33
Group 2 Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Netherlands, Malta, Portugal €470 €15.67
Group 3 Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Republic of Northern Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey €420 €14.00

Additional aids can be allocated:

To students choosing sustainable means of transport A supplement of €50 and up to four extra days per return journey
To students who have fewer opportunities A supplement of €250 per month
In case of a handicap or long-term illness, which makes international mobility more difficult Supplement established upon submission of the application to the French Agency of Erasmus+


Study exchange and internship outside Europe

Students can also benefit from financial support (mobility grant and travel support) to study or apply for an internship at the School's partner universities in the following three countries not included in the traditional Erasmus program: Japan, Israel, and Chile.

École Polytechnique's students can apply for this financial support (outgoing mobility), but the students from the partner universities listed below can also benefit from the support (incoming mobility).

These grants are linked to specific scientific fields:

Country Scientific fields Partner institution
  • Mathematics / Economy
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Physics

The University of Tokyo

  • Mathematics
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Physics

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI)

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

  • Environmental Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Physics

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Universidad de Chile

Each mobility grant is allocated for the first to the last day of mandatory presence at the host institution.

The minimum term for a study exchange abroad or an internship is 2 months. The maximum term for international mobility is 12 months per student, per cycle (Bachelor, Master, PhD).

International mobility – opportunities for researchers and professors

École Polytechnique supports professors and researchers in their international projects and can provide Erasmus+ grants for mobility linked to teaching or training abroad (for several days and up to two months). The mobility grants cover part of the travel and living expenses abroad and can be distributed within the limits of the funds allocated to École Polytechnique by the French Erasmus+ Agency. 


  • The mobilities have to take place at a higher education institution or a research organism located:
  • In one of the 26 countries of the European Union, not including France: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
  • In one of the third countries: Iceland, Lichtenstein, Northern Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom.

These destinations are split into three groups: The grants get calculated based on the cost of living of the host country.


Professors and researchers can benefit from financial support (mobility grant and travel support) to visit partner institutions in three countries located outside Europe - Japan, Israel, and Chile - in the context of a teaching or training projects.

  • Professors and researchers of École Polytechnique can apply for this financial support (outgoing mobility).
  • Also professors and researchers from the partner universities in Japan, Israel and Chile can benefit from this support (incoming mobility).

These grants are linked to specific scientific fields:

Country Scientific fields Partner institution
  • Mathematics / Economy
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Physics

The University of Tokyo

  • Mathematics
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Physics

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI)

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Environmental Sciences

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Universidad de Chile

Each mobility grant is allocated for the first to the last day of mandatory presence at the host institution.

International mobility – for doctoral students and postdocs

École Polytechnique also encourages doctoral candidates and recent graduates (postdocs) to benefit from international experience to meet diverse training needs and hence offers mobility grants to support global projects linked to their specific research fields. Grants can be distributed within the limits of the funds allocated to École Polytechnique by the French Erasmus+ Agency.  

Further information is available in the respective section on the website of Institut Polytechnique de Paris

International mobility – opportunities for staff

École Polytechnique’s staff members and also visiting staff members from other institutions can benefit from Erasmus+ grants for international mobility projects. To ensure quality and best benefits for the participant, the planned activity abroad must be linked to his/her professional development and meet his/her needs in terms of training and personal development. The following activities are eligible for Erasmus+ grants:

  • Teaching at an academic partner institution abroad (please refer to the section “International mobility – opportunities for researchers and professors”),
  • Training at an academic partner institution or company abroad,
  • the activity can also consist of training sessions (other than conferences, which do not count as training sessions), or observation periods related to the profession of the applicant. It can also combine different of the above-listed activities.

Moreover, École Polytechnique staff members can benefit from Erasmus+ to visit their counterparts at EuroTeQ Engineering University’s academic partner institutions to support international collaboration across departments.