AI at École Polytechnique and IP Paris highlighted in a report for Expo 2020 Dubai

France has many strengths and plays a leading role in the development of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, which are becoming a fast-growing field and are disrupting all sectors of the economy by providing solutions to numerous social problems, according to the Artificial Intelligence report in the "Carnets de Dubai ", produced by a group of experts under the leadership of Eric Labaye, President of École Polytechnique and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
The "Carnets de Dubaï" bring together all the publications, reports, videos, etc. produced by the "Connecting Minds" think dedicated to the French Pavilion at the Dubai World Expo to inform the debates around three key themes: « Mobility, Sustainability, Opportunities », in order to showcase French know-how and technologies.
"Our report shows that France and Europe clearly have all the means at their disposal to establish themselves as leaders in AI, benefiting from a strong entrepreneurial dynamic and a unique public-private collaborative model, gathering companies, start-ups, research and higher education institutions and public authorities," stresses Eric Labaye in his introductory words to the document.
The report prepared by a group of 22 experts from industry groups but also representatives of the State, Higher Education, Research and Innovation and the private sector focuses on describing the current and potential impact of AI innovations, highlighting France's strengths and illustrating new applications in four sectors using AI at scale: Banking and Insurance, Security and Defense, Transportation and Mobility, Health as well as in industrial and energy production and distribution.
In a video posted on the "Cahiers de Dubaï" website, Eric Labaye recalls the challenges of AI in terms of economic development, resilience and sovereignty and the contribution of IP Paris and HEC Paris to address them with the launch in September 2020 of the interdisciplinary center Hi! Paris.
The Dubai 2020 World Expo will take place from October 1st, 2021 to March 31st, 2022 under the theme "Connecting Minds, Building the Future". with 192 participating countries.
The "Connecting Minds" think tank was set up as part of the French Pavilion for Expo 2020 Dubai at the initiative of the Compagnie française des expositions, the public entity that prepares and organizes French participation in international and universal exhibitions.
The website dedicated to the IA working group of the "Carnets de Dubaï" : here
The website France Expo 2020 Dubai: here
The Expo 2020 Dubai website: here