Call for applications for the "CFM Women in Quantitative Finance" PhD scholarship

The "Econophysics and Complex Systems" Chair, supported by CFM (Capital Fund Management), is taking steps to combat gender inequality in its field of research. Every year since 2020, it has awarded the "CFM Women in Quantitative Finance" scholarship, in recognition of the fact that women are still under-represented in quantitative physics. This interdisciplinary scientific field uses physics tools to address socio-economic issues.
The scholarship awarded is significantly higher than traditional doctoral scholarships and will support an outstanding candidate in carrying out her research project in quantitative finance. The call for applications for the 2024 edition is currently underway and will close on 1 June 2024. For more information and to find out how to apply, download the 2024 call for applications.
Laureate in 2022, Nathascha Hey has piloted a project of video testimonials from young researchers in her research team, to raise awareness of their scientific discipline. In the episode published this week, she explains her interest in econophysics and describes the subject of her thesis. It's a fascinating topic that may inspire future physicists and economists to apply for the 2024 edition of the grant.
About the Chair "Econophysics and Complex Systems"
The “Econophysics & Complex Systems” Chair aims to develop tools for understanding the dynamics of economic systems by moving away from the highly theoretical models usually used in this discipline. Led by Michael Benzaquen, this Chair aims to use an analytical approach drawn from the field of statistical physics to study aggregate behaviour in the presence of interactions, heterogeneities and feedback loops. Since 2018, this research has been made possible through support from the corporate sponsor Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Chairman of Capital Fund Management, one of France’s largest investment funds. CFM is thus making its infrastructure and data available to enhance the models developed by Michael Benzaquen’s team.