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  • The Chair "Data Science & Industrial Processes" Co-organizer of The TechInnov Days In Morocco

The Chair "Data Science & Industrial Processes" co-organizer of the TechInnov Days in Morocco

The TechInnov Days were held from January 26 to 27, 2023, in Ben Guerir, Morocco. This conference dedicated to data science and artificial intelligence was co-organized by the École Polytechnique through its Chair "Data Science & Industrial Processes".
Round table on « Industry 4.0 » at TechInnov Days (photo: Mehdi Abou El Qassime).
15 Mar. 2023
International, Chairs, Research, IA et Science des données, CMAP, Mathématiques
Scientific level :

The "TechInnov Days" were held on January 26 and 27, 2023, in Ben Guerir, Morocco. These two days of conference, dedicated to data science and artificial intelligence, took place on the campus of the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P), in the premises of the School of Industrial Management of UM6P (EMINES). With the participation of personalities from the academic world and industry, the program was targeted to students as well as a professional audience.

The event was co-organized by EMINES, Ecole Centrale Casablanca, and École Polytechnique. The "Data Science & Industrial Processes" Chair, sponsored by the OCP Group, and a partnership between the École Polytechnique, UM6P and the Foundation of École Polytechnique, has been renewed for five years in the summer of 2022. The Chair particularly contributed to the event through the organization of two round tables, respectively around Industry 4.0 and start-ups.

Eric Moulines, researcher at the Center for Applied Mathematics (CMAP*) and head of the Chair, opened the conference with a presentation on federated learning, a method for training algorithms that is currently fast-growing. He also moderated the two round tables.

The first day was dedicated to the future of artificial intelligence (AI), while the second day focused on the prospects of statistical learning, with speakers from the academic world and industry such as Yann Lecun, professor at New York University and chief AI scientist at Meta, or Michal Valko, researcher in machine learning at Inria and DeepMind Paris.

The 2023 edition of TechInnov Days has sparked a lot of interest, with more than 700 registrations and an average daily attendance of about 500 people. With a majority of participants from Morocco, but also from other countries such as the United States, France, or India, the event was a great success for the dissemination of knowledge in artificial intelligence with an international dimension.

Photograph of the speakers on stage for the opening of TechInnov Days. (photo: Ecole Centrale Casablanca) Opening of the conference by the representative of partner institutions. (photo: Ecole Centrale Casablanca)
Montage of two photographs of Eric Moulines' talk at TechInnov Days. (photo: Ecole Centrale Casablanca) Talk by Eric Moulines entitled « Federated Learning : toward connected artificial intelligence » (photo: Ecole Centrale Casablanca)
Montage of two photographs of Yann LeCun' talk at TechInnov Days. (photo: Ecole Centrale Casablanca) Talk by Yann LeCun entitled « The present and future of AI » (photo: Ecole Centrale Casablanca)

*CMAP: a joint research unit CNRS, Inria, École Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91120 Palaiseau, France

To go further...
About the Chair « Data Science & Processus Industriels »

Led by Éric Moulines, the International Chair "Data Science and Industrial Processes" contributes to training a new generation of engineers at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University to exploit data science and develop innovative industrial processes. Through the teaching activities of the Chair since its inception in 2018 and with the support of OCP, the partners together prepare students to become industry innovators and develop tomorrow's industrial processes through data science.
