Choiseul 2023 Ranking: 16 alumni among the business leaders of tomorrow

The French think tank Institut Choiseul has published its list of the 200 most promising decision-makers under the age of 40 in the French economy for the year 2023, including 16 alumni or students of École polytechnique, 7 of whom are in the Top 100.
The Institut Choiseul 2023 Ranking illustrates the success of École Polytechnique's multiprogram strategy as the alumni listed are not only graduates of the Cycle Ingénieur polytechnicien program but also of the MSc&T program or holders of a doctorate delivered by the School.
In the top 100 profiles highlighted by the Intitut Choiseul Ranking, 7 alumni and students of École Polytechnique are identified for their current and future contribution to the economy, including two women graduates of the Cycle Ingénieur polytechnicien program: Noémie Chocat (X2004) , Director of Strategy at Saint Gobain (24th) and Elina Berrebi , founder and partner of the investment fund Revaia (36th).
Also in the Top 100 are Geoffrey Bouquot (X2005), CTO and senior vice president of the Valeo Group (17th), Vincent Luciani (X2005), co-founder and CEO of Artefact (25th), Philippe Englebert (MSc&T Data & Economics for Public Policy), manager at Banque Lazard (70th), Matthieu Landon (X2008), advisor for industry, research, innovation and digital technology in the offices of the French President and of the Prime Minister (91st) and Jeremy Jawish (MSc&T Financial Mathematics), co-founder and CEO of Shift Technology (98th).
In the complementary list of 100 profiles, 4 other Cycle Ingénieur Polytechnicien program graduates and 5 former École Polytechnique's students are honored, including five new entrants: Arthur Dénouveaux (X2005), chief of staff at mutual insurer Covéa, Thibaud Frossard (X2012), chief of staff to the CEO of Cap Gemini, Constance Grisoni (X2011), strategy director at Rexel, Louis Chatriot (X2005), CEO of Alma, a starrt-up which specializes in multiple installments payments, and Romain Lucken, who prepared a doctorate at École Polytechnique and is currently president of Share My Space, a start-up devoted to space monitoring.
École Polytechnique's alumni, already present in the 2022 complementary list and whose presence is confirmed in 2023, are Xavier Ploquin (X2007), chief of staff of the CEO of the Green Impact Growth Fund Meridiam, Benoit David (X2005 and Master X-HEC Entrepreneurs), co-founder of 85 Capital Partners, Vincent Le Biez (X2004), deputy interministerial delegate at the Délégation Interministérielle au Nouveau Nucléaire (DINN) and Larbi Touahir, holder of a PhD from École Polytechnique in and Director of Executive Education at the Institut Mines-Télécom Business School.
The evaluation of the profiles selected by the Institut Choiseulfor its ranking of tomorrow's business leaders, carried out since 2013, is based on several criteria: achievements (experiences, accomplishments, progress, rated on 200 points), professional situation (position, reputation, influence: 300 points), potential (creativity, vision, agility: 500 points).