COVID – 19: Careful in a difficult environment

Measures implemented (social distancing measures, immediate detection and isolation protocols), and reinforced as soon as COVID-19 cases increased (isolation of entire student groups), are the most effective tool in the fight against the virus propagation, they must be applied scrupulously.
Thanks to improvement observed as well as the recommendations from the military health service and the military epidemiological center (CESPA), in conjunction with the Regional Health Authority (Autorité Régional de Santé - ARS), the School has decided to resume on-campus teaching activities presenting a low risk for the virus propagation.
Following the recommendations of CESPA, 5 stages have been identified to manage the health crisis. They go from stage 0, when the situation is very favorable, to stage 4, when the situation has particularly deteriorated and requires a complete remote teaching plan.
Transition from one stage to the next is only possible when the slope of the evolution curve of proven or confirmed cases is declining or remains stabilized at a low level. Thus, following the reassessment of the situation after two weeks of online classes between September 21st and October 5th, the following guidelines are applying:
For teaching and student activities
- On-campus classes resume with a limitation of 25 people per classroom and in strict compliance with health measures.
- Research professors declared at risk may remain in remote work. Classes will be organized so as to guarantee a level playing-fied for all students.
- Concerning practcum and machine rooms, the resumption of educational activities will be examined on a case-to-case basis.
- Students who have left campus must return by October 5, 2020.
- The library will resume its activity partially with the implementation of a "click and collect" service.
- Student activities, which represent a high risk of virus transmission, remain suspended.
- Sports lessons will resume following the guidelines of the Sports Training Office (BFS).
For other activities
- The health protocol in effect since August 24 is maintained: individuals presenting a risk (positive, symptomatic or contact cases) must isolate themselves and report to the School's authorities.
- Remote work is to be favored and presence on site should be reduced as much as possible.
- All collective, sports or social activities on campus are suspended, but individual sports activities remain authorized if preventive measures are respected.
The operating mode is reviewed regularly depending on the overall health situation.