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COVID-19: Confined on Campus

26 Apr. 2020

Vue du Grand Hall de l'Ecole polytechnique

The 430 students present on campus during the lockdown period – around 250 students from the Cycle Ingénieur Polytechnicien program, 70 Bachelor’s students, 80 MSc&T students, and 30 masters and doctoral students – have been taken care of and supported daily by executives from the Personal Development and Military Training Department (DFHM), the BL, SPIS, SMED and SPSY services as well as remotely by program managers.

One to four suspected cases of COVID-19 have been isolated and accompanied throughout the past weeks among students and staff on site.

For the Cycle Ingénieur Polytechnicien and the Bachelor of Science programs, continual contact has been maintained with students via videoconference or telephone. For the other programs, the different program administrations maintained daily contact with their students as well. The medical service remained open during the confinement period for all students. The psychology service also continued to operate on a regular basis.

In addition to the School’s COVID-19 crisis unit, two types of follow-up meetings were held regularly: Student monitoring committees (supervision, academics, MED and PSY services) as well as “Task Force Campus” monitoring meetings on the confined campus with the supervision of students and all support services from the School.

The closure of the on-campus cafeteria (Magnan) led the teams to set up alternative solutions for students on site (delivery of grouped orders).

The Hygiene, Cleanliness and Environment Department ensured the essential supplies for laboratories, managed the collection of waste and prepared the cleaning of the School.

The Post Office continued its services, with reduced operating hours due to the declined postal service activity overall.

Campus security was provided by the SPIS service with only the main entrance being
accessible yet guarded at all times.

Due to the serious lockdown situation paired with the financial difficulty of certain students impacted by the pandemic, the Kès student association and the student body as a whole came together to lend a hand with the help of a solidarity committee established by the School. Part of the monthly contributions, previously intended to finance campus life and student clubs, were thus redirected to an exceptional solidarity fund in order to help support these students who have been financially impacted by the crisis. More than €60,000 has already been raised by over 1,500 X2017, X2018, and X2019 students, and the sum was entrusted to the l’X Foundation for redistribution to students in need.   

