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École Polytechnique and Cisco united for the Internet of tomorrow

13 Feb. 2020

L’École polytechnique et Cisco renforcent leur partenariat en recherche et en enseignement pour développer l'Internet de demain au cours des cinq prochaines années

Following several years of fruitful collaboration, École Polytechnique and Cisco signed an agreement to develop their academic and research partnership on the internet of tomorrow for the next five years. This Memorandum of Understanding will allow both parties to jointly develop on the concept of the internet of tomorrow, taking into account ethical and societal issues.

It follows the "Internet of Everything" Chair, funded by Cisco between 2014 and 2019, which resulted in successes such as 30 research internships of École Polytechnique students at Cisco, 15 joint publications between Cisco and École Polytechnique, 4 PhD students, and the recruitment of a researcher and teacher-researcher at the École Polytecnique, which led to the creation of new Master's courses on IoT, as well as the expansion of courses offered in Networks, Network Security, and IoT courses for the Cycle Ingénieur Polytechnicien program.

For the next five years, the partnership between Cisco and École Polytechnique will focus on the theme "Internet Technologies and Engineering". The current challenges revolving around internet development are scientific, technological and strategic, and result in an essential need for experts on diverse topics such as IoT, virtualization, MultiCloud architecture, artificial intelligence, Edge Computing, or 5G.

The updated partnership with Cisco, led by Thomas Clausen, professor and researcher at the Computer Science Laboratory at École Polytechnique, will consist of a teaching sponsorship and a research partnership that strengthens the ties created through the previous Chair by focusing the efforts of both entities on joint projects.

The agreement was signed on January 22 by Roland Acra, SVP Chief Technology Officer of Cisco, Eric Labaye, President of École Polytechnique and Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Laurent Degré, Managing Director of Cisco France, and Jean-Paul Cottet, Executive Director of the École Polytechnique Foundation.
