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École Polytechnique and INP-HB in Ivory Coast strengthen their cooperation

20 Oct. 2021

The delegation from INP-HB during their visit, surrounded by École Polytechnique’s Ivorian students. To the right of the President of École Polytechnique and Institut Polytechnique de Paris Éric Labaye: Moussa Abdoul Kader Diaby, Director of INP-HB, Alexis Frédéric, Executive Advisor at INP-HB, Tanoh Lambert, Director of the Data Sciences Institute INP-HB-ENSEA-X, Gaëlle Le Goff, Director of International Relations at l’X, and Georges Saladin, Manager Development in Asia, Africa and the Middle East at l’X.

During their visit at École Polytechnique, Moussa Abdoul Kader Diaby, Director of INP-HB, and Tanoh Lambert, Director of the Data Sciences Institute INP-HB-ENSEA-X, discussed with Éric Labaye, President of École Polytechnique and Institut Polytechnique de Paris, the various initiatives and cooperative projects the two partner institutions are currently pursuing. The delegation also included Alexis Frédéric, Executive Advisor at INP-HB. For Moussa Abdoul Kader Diaby, the visit marked a return to his alma mater as he obtained his doctorate in chemistry from École Polytechnique in 2009.  

Following the meeting with Eric Labaye, the delegation visited the Drahi-X Novation Center, where they were welcomed by Bruno Cattan, Director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at l’X. Mr. Diaby, Mr. Lambert, and Mr. Frédéric then met with the other members of École Polytechnique’s management team to further explore ways to strengthen the links between the two institutions.

The delegation also seized the opportunity to meet with former students of INP-HB on campus. These students have successfully passed the school's Ingenieur Polytechnicien program entrance exam and are currently pursuing their studies at l'X.

Cooperation to serve higher education and training in Sub-Saharan Africa

Committed alongside its Ivorian partners to enhance the undergraduate and executive education offer in Sub-Saharan Africa, École Polytechnique focuses on three main projects.

Since 2018, l’X has contributed to structuring INP-HB’s preparatory classes for the entrance exam of French and Moroccan engineering schools (Grandes Écoles), in partnership with the Lycée Louis le Grand in Paris. The organization of exchanges between professors from the prestigious Lycée and professors teaching in INP-HB’s preparatory classes fosters sharing expertise and experience. From October 4 to 22, 2021, two professors from INP-HB have visited the Lycée Louis-le-Grand.

The new Specialized Master's program in Renewable Energy: Technology and Entrepreneurship (ETRE), elaborated by École Polytechnique and INP-HB, constitutes a second collaboration avenue. Focusing on existing technologies in renewable energy and responding to the specificities of the sub-region, this specialized Master's program offers future executives from Côte d'Ivoire and other French-speaking African countries an excellent training program in this field. The program will take place in Ivory Coast, in the premises of INP-HB, and professors of both institutions will teach the classes.

A delegation of four INP-HB professors who will be teaching courses in this new Master's program visited l’X from October 4 to 7 to meet with École Polytechnique’s professors involved in the program. Subsequently, the first academic year of the ETRE Master's program has started on October 19, 2021.

The Master's program in Data Science and its application in terms of research represents a third cooperation axis between the two partners. École Polytechnique collaborates with École Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Économie Appliquée d'Abidjan (ENSEA) and INP-HB on this Data Science training program since 2017. The program covers aspects of computer engineering and Big Data analysis to meet the growing need for professionals trained in the field of artificial intelligence.

The Data Science Institute offers a Master's degree to undergraduate students and an executive education program designed for professionals to meet their particular needs. Located in the premises of INP-HB, the institute benefits from sponsorship from Orange SA and Société Générale in Ivory Coast.

The Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny (INP-HB) is specialised in high-quality engineering training programs. The institution is recognized for the excellence of its students and professors. Located in Yamoussoukro, the administrative capital in Ivory Coast, INP-HB trains executives from various sectors to support the technological development of the Ivory Coast and French-speaking Africa. Pursuing the ambition to position itself as a pan-African center of excellence for engineering education, the Institute also offers preparatory classes for the French and Moroccan engineering schools.
