École Polytechnique awarded the French Sustainable Campus Label – Label DD&RS

École polytechnique has been awarded the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility Label (Label Développement Durable et Responsabilité Sociétale - DD&RS) label for four years by the Collective for the Integration of Social Responsibility in Higher Education (Collectif pour l'Intégration de la Responsabilité Sociétale et du Développement Durable dans l'Enseignement Supérieur - CIRCES).
Launched in 2015, the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility Label aims to enable higher education and research institutions to enhance their sustainable development and corporate social responsibility initiatives by encouraging them to be more exemplary.
The Label uses a systemic approach and integrates the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs. Organized into in five strategic categories it covers all the key areas of action for sustainable development : Governance & Strategy, Education & Training, Research & Innovation, Campus Operations, Social Policy & Outreach.
In 2024, École Polytechnique set up a department dedicated to societal and environmental transformation, to work with all stakeholders to steer its strategy in this area for its three fundamental missions of training, research and innovation, capitalizing on actions carried out over many years.
As early as 2013, it launched a number of initiatives to promote equal opportunity, structured within its Equal Opportunity Center, which has been extended by the Equal Opportunity Center at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
Its long-standing commitment to the ecological transition was formalized in 2022 in its Climate Plan, which places the ecological transition at the heart of its major missions, its organization and the operational management of its campus.