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École Polytechnique hosted Paris-Saclay Spring 2022

École Polytechnique hosted Paris-Saclay Spring 2022, the 5th edition of an annual event dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship on the Saclay plateau, co-organised by Institut Polytechnique de Paris. It was an opportunity for 11 start-ups of l'X to present their projects.
11 May. 2022
Entrepreneurship, Innovation

The fifth edition of the Paris-Saclay Spring, the annual meeting of innovation and entrepreneurship on the Saclay plateau took place on May 12 and 13 at École Polytechnique.
Fifty innovative start-ups from the Paris-Saclay cluster, the Spring 50, were presented on this occasion, including eleven innovative start-ups incubated at the Drahi X - Novation Center and/or founded by alumni. These fifty start-ups were divided into five industry sectors: FoodTech, GreenTech, Mobility, Health-Biotech and Digital Technologies.

Co-organised by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, which brings together École Polytechnique and four other prestigious engineering schools (ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom Sud Paris), Paris-Saclay Spring allows its participants to meet and develop partnerships with international investors and groups; cutting-edge French start-ups; as well as faculty members, researchers and doctoral students from world-renowned schools and research institutes.

Throughout the first day, several round tables and conferences broadcast live, enabled the participants to discover how the Paris-Saclay innovation community is participating in the creation of a more sustainable world and looking for response to global issues, based on research and interdisciplinarity.

The second day was devoted to innovation tours allowing visits by appointment to private laboratories or R&D centres on the Saclay plateau, which opened their doors exceptionally for the occasion. A meeting with the Entrepreneurship and Innovation team of École Polytechique and a visit to its Drahi-X Novation Center was scheduled. The team notably presented the X-UP and X-TECH programs for companies with high technological potential, and the X-FAB prototyping space.

Paris-Saclay Spring is Europe's largest multi-sector event dedicated to innovation professionals. The event brings together the latest trends in innovation.

The Paris-Saclay cluster brings together the research centres of large groups, innovative SMEs and world-class universities, making it one of the eight most important innovation clusters in the world, according to the Technology Review published by the Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT).

More information on the Paris-Saclay Spring 2022 event: here

École Polytechnique start-ups at Paris-Saclay Spring 2022

Among the 11 start-ups of École Polytechnique, we can find 3 of them in the GreenTech category, 3 in Health-Biotech, 2 in Digital Technologies, 2 in Mobility and one in FoodTech. You will find below a brief presentation of their project and their founder(s).

The X GreenTech start-ups:

Invisensing, founded by Feng Yang (X 2002), has joined X-Tech. Invisensing provides fibre optic distributed sensors and data processing software based on artificial intelligence. Their solutions address the growing need for safety, productivity and efficiency in various fields such as pipeline monitoring, structural health and border surveillance.

HiPERSSYS, founded by Pascale Philis is incubated within X-Up. It designs new-generation, high-performance rechargeable batteries that deliver greater autonomy in a more sustainable way. Drawing on more than 10 years of R&D in a laboratory at the École Polytechnique, HiPERSSYS has extensive experience with Lithium-Sulphur batteries. The company is scaling up the technology and is looking for industrial partners. HiPERSSYS will also raise seed funding in the second half of 2022.

SpaceSense, co-founded by Sami Yacoubi (Master of Science 2018) and Jyotsna Budideti (Master's Degree 2015), is a NewSpace start-up incubated within X-Up. It provides a platform for creating large-scale satellite imagery and AI solutions. Although the platform is still in beta, the first prototype is generating an ARR of €150k for 8 clients. Their solution monitors crop growth on 13M ha every month, for 50,000 farmers across Europe. The team has 7 nationalities for 12 people and 3 PhDs. They are looking to raise €2.5m in funding.

The X Health-Biotech start-ups :

InSpek, founded by Jérôme Michon (X 2011) and integrated within X-Tech, aims to reduce costs and delays due to errors in chemical and biological processes through improved chemical detection. InSpek's real-time monitoring system is based on optical sensors on a chip that are more sensitive, cheaper and smaller than current solutions, allowing for the optimisation of chemical processes and thus reducing costly errors in process development and production in many industries.

EpiLAB, founded by Maurice Lubetzki and integrated into X-Tech, offers the first portable, easy-to-use, fast and inexpensive TB test. It will enable active case-finding campaigns in remote areas. Portable and easy to use, it requires no infrastructure and no medical staff. Reliable, it has a basic detection threshold close to current standards. The results will be produced in less than 2 hours and will ensure the traceability of cases and their management.

Gamma Pulse, founded by Carmen Dumitrescu and currently within X-Tech, has developed an innovative system to decontaminate air in closed spaces - 100% virucidal efficiency (INSERM certified). Their business model is based on two axes: the production in France and for France, of autonomous systems dedicated to the decontamination of medium-sized parts, mainly for the medical and hospital environment; the marketing of licences to industrial partners for other geographical areas and any other application: building, transport, aeronautics.

The X Digital Technologies start-ups:

Amphitrite was created by Alexandre Stegner, Lecturer at X and Evangelos Mochos, Doctoral Student at Polytechnique. The business model of Amphitrite, integrated within the X-Tech incubator, is based on the sale of digital data that characterize the state of the ocean in real time or on the sale of software solutions that allow specific processing of ocean data for the needs of its clients. A consulting and R&D development activity is also proposed for companies or governmental organisations.

navAlgo, founded by Zuzanna Kosowska-Stamirowska (Master Economics and Public Policy 2011) and which has joined X-Tech, develops a platform that extracts value from moving asset data in real time. It transforms raw event streams into actionable data for BI, with AI. Initial applications: logistics and supply chain. Used by industry leaders such as DB Schenker and La Poste, who have respectively reduced the time-to-market of their analytics projects from 3 months to 1 hour, and reduced their IoT deployment costs by 50%.

The X Mobility start-ups:

Mandarine Robotique, founded by Laurent Dabrowski and incubated within X-Up, is developing Murray, a robot for the automatic connection and charging of rechargeable vehicles. In a fast-growing electric vehicle market, Murray is aimed at private individuals who want to have a fully charged vehicle at all times. Murray will also optimise the connection of vehicles to smart grids. The company will launch development in the second half of 2022 for marketing in mid-2025.

Faure Engineering, founded by Nicolas Faure and incubated within X-Up, designs a new generation of taximeter, capable of collecting relevant metadata, allowing the transparency of taxi activity and bridging the technical gaps between European taxis and private drivers' applications in order to restore fare competition. Faure offers many new features such as remote fare updates, instant vehicle diagnostics, remote deactivation, liability automation, live dashboard, automatic detection of fare zones, management application and many others, in compliance with GDPR declarations. The start-up offers a sustainable solution and intends to achieve carbon neutrality by 2032 for all equipped taxis.

The X FoodTech start-up:

Proteme, founded by Paul Malfoy and incubated within X-Up, the start-up wishes to support fruit and vegetable producers in their transition towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly production methods. To this end, it develops and produces a food coating solution that extends the shelf life of fruit and vegetables and protects them against storage diseases.
