École Polytechnique in the top 50 best global universities

École Polytechnique ranks 45th globally among the best higher education institutions according to the 2023 edition of the RUR (Round University Ranking), and holds the top position among French institutions.
RUR evaluates the performance of around 1,100 leading universities from 85 countries based on 20 indicators grouped into four key areas of university activity: teaching, research, international diversity, and financial sustainability.
In terms of international diversity and financial sustainability, École Polytechnique ranks first among French schools (35th and 30th globally, respectively). It holds the 2nd position for teaching and the 3rd position for research from a national perspective (79th and 127th internationally).
The top three spots in the ranking are still dominated by American universities: Harvard, California Institute of Technology, and Stanford.
To establish its ranking, RUR relies on statistical data provided by universities, bibliometric data, and a reputation survey. The reputation survey involves polling 10,000 members of the university community.