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  • École Polytechnique Tops L'Étudiant's 2024 Ranking of Engineering Schools

École polytechnique tops L'Étudiant's 2024 ranking of Engineering Schools

École polytechnique remains at the top of the 2024 ranking of French Engineering Schools published by the French magazine L'Étudiant, ahead of ENSTA Paris (2nd) and École des Mines Paris Tech (3rd). The ranking covers 170 Schools.
19 Jan. 2024
Education, Rankings, Ingénieur Polytechnicien

École polytechnique once again tops the ranking of French Engineering Schools published by the French magazine L'Étudiant, which for its 2024 edition covers 170 public and private Schools accredited by the Commission des titres d'ingénieur to award Engineering diploma.

Schools can obtain up to 123 points distributed among 14 "ranking" criteria. These, along with some sixty other "non-ranking" or informative indicators, are grouped into several major themes (origin of graduates, academic excellence, links with companies, international exposure, professional integration, environmental awareness and integration of graduates).

With a score of 105 points, École Polytechnique leads the ranking, ahead of ENSTA Paris (102 points) and École des Mines Paris Tech (98 points).

In its 2024 ranking, L'Étudiant has notably reinforced the weight given to the environmental awareness and to the implementation by Schools of a master plan detailing their policy in terms of sustainable development and social and environmental responsibility. École polytechnique published its Climate Plan in early 2022.

On October 13th, 2023, École Polytechnique once again topped the French media group Le Figaro Top 10 French Engineering Schools after preparatory classes, as well as the Franch Magazine Usine Nouvelle 2024 ranking.

École Polytechnique no longer appears under its own name in international rankings, as it now belongs to the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, which also includes ENSTA Paris.


