EuroTech Universities Alliance Offers 12.7M in Post-Doctoral Fellowships

The six-member EuroTech Alliance universities today announced the awarding of 70 grants over a 24-month period to postdoctoral researchers for training in multidisciplinary research and entrepreneurship, augmented by exchange opportunities within the alliance partners.
Co-funded by EU’s Horizon 2020, the fellowships of the ‘EuroTechPostdoc2’ (ETPD2) program are designed to foster collaborative and interdisciplinary research projects across the alliance over the next five years. Eindhoven University of Technology will coordinate the program, which has a total worth of €12.7 million.
Benoît Deveaud, Vice Provost Research, says: “Promoting and enabling in-depth collaboration and research across Europe is extremely important, as we must address major challenges to society and industry on an increasingly global level. We just saw in the context of Covid-19 how crucial it is that researchers at the forefront of scientific knowledge support each other, for a common purpose, by sharing their research and findings, thus building on complementary competencies and progressing further. As the EuroTech PostDoc2 fellowship program offers high-potential postdoctoral candidates training in multidisciplinary research and interaction with partner institutions, the program enhances students' exposure to international academic knowledge and research practices.”
The EuroTechPostdoc2 fellowship program targets experienced researchers who have already demonstrated excellence and potential in their research field and provides international research and career development opportunities. Each fellow will benefit from supervision by a host and a co-host from two different Eurotech universities.
Mr Deveaud continues: “École Polytechnique attaches great importance to the role scientific knowledge can play in developing solutions to the global challenges our world is currently facing. Furthermore, fundamental research plays an important role in fostering critical thinking and creativity to approach problems from different angles. This benefits society by enlarging and refining the knowledge we have of the underlying mechanisms of our world, which even enables unexpected long-term applications.”
Formally established in 2011, the EuroTech Universities Alliance is committed to excellence in research and education and provides the framework for a combination of strategic and bottom-up initiatives. This enables participants to address challenges on a scale that goes beyond what any single partner could achieve on its own. École Polytechnique joined the EuroTech Universities Alliance in 2018 to further its ambition of promoting international understanding and collaboration.
The six EuroTech Universities are: École Polytechnique (L’X), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Technical University of Munich (TUM), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), and Technion Israel Institute of Technology.