EuroTeQ Engineering University: Shaping the Future of Engineering Education

“EuroTeQ Engineering University” emerges from the EuroTech Universities Alliance, a cooperation of École Polytechnique and five other leading universities of science and technology, as well as two new academic partners.
The ambition to connect university students and non-academic vocational learners and professionals, as also manifold stakeholders of society and industry through a series of co-created, challenge-based projects and competitions, is at the center of the project. The European Commission is funding the project with approximately five million euros over the next three years.
EuroTeQ promotes a holistic approach to scientific and technical value creation and aims to reinforce the link between society and cutting-edge engineering education.
Collaborative education
The partners put forward an unprecedented approach to collaborative education, bringing together several European countries and rallying a coalition of various stakeholders in the industry and society. Furthermore, the project will connect both academic and non-academic education, based on existing tight bonds between the partner universities and their regional eco-systems, thus making the approach interdisciplinary, international, and interinstitutional at once.
Strengthen cooperation to tackle the complex challenges of the 21st century
Merging different perspectives of thematic fields will spark new ideas. A structured series of co-created, challenge-based projects and competitions will incite the different parties to further collaborate to tackle the grand challenges of the 21st century. Designated cocreation processes will enable the participants to mutually benefit of each other’s abilities, thus strengthening the innovative power of Europe and generating responses to societal challenges and real-world problems collaboratively and responsibly.
“Universities of Science and Technology have the responsibility to partake in the change for a sustainable future by steering and moderating technological advances in a responsible way,” emphasizes Dominique Rossin, Vice-Provost for Education at École Polytechnique. “As today’s societal and environmental challenges are extremely complex, we consider it important to better twine the skills and perspectives of non-academic professionals and learners with the academic world in order to further combine our knowledge and efforts in order to address today’s challenges together.”
EuroTeQ Campus
A dedicated virtual EuroTeQ Campus will deliver high-quality research-led teaching to a peer group of over 115.000 students. Graduates from the EuroTeQ Campus will have intercultural competences, an entrepreneurial mindset, think and act responsibly, and will be ready to lead a competitive Europe into the future.
The associated partners of “EuroTeQ Engineering University” are the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), École Polytechnique (L'X), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and Technical University of Munich (TUM), the Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) and the Czech Technical University (CTU).
The Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, both partners of the EuroTech Universities Alliance, but not eligible for funding in this project given their location outside the EU, will be integrated into the program.
Prestigious Project of the European Commission
The European Universities Initiative, introduced by French President Emmanuel Macron, is one of the European Commission's most prestigious calls for proposals. Its objective is to establish ambitious European university alliances over the next few years that will make the European university landscape even stronger in the fierce competition with the USA and Asia.
Please find further information in our press release: