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A first certifying course on Blockchain in France

École Polytechique Executive Education, which develops L’X's professional training programs, will launch a certifying online program dedicated to the Blockchain technology in the fall of 2022.  
31 May. 2022
Education, Executive Education

École Polytechnique Executive Education will launch in November 2022 a certification program dedicated to Blockchain technology under the responsibility of Julien Prat and Daniel Augot, co-directors of the Blockchain and B2B platforms Chair at l’X.

This introductory course is designed for decision-makers and representatives of the IT, finance and innovation sectors. It provides an understanding of the technological, legal and economic challenges of blockchain and enables participants to assess the potential use of this new technology in a professional context.   

The program starts on November 7, 2022 and will be available online until January 13, 2023 with synchronous and asynchronous training times allowing participants to follow the course at their own pace. 

It relies on a learning by doing approach with quizzes throughout the course and a certification built on a case study. 

Blockchain is a disruptive technology developed since 2008, allowing the storage and transmission of information. This technology offers high standards of transparency and security because it operates without a central control body. In concrete terms, it allows its users - connected in networks - to share data without intermediaries. 

The Blockchain is often presented as an "Internet of value": what the Internet has allowed to do with information (sharing digital files), the Blockchain can do with value (cryptocurrencies or NFT for example) without going through a trusted intermediary, such as a bank. 

The promises of the Blockchain are similar to those of the Internet: decentralization, disintermediation, transparency and peer-to-peer coordination. 

Read more (in French):   https://exed.polytechnique.edu/nos-formations/blockchain-starter-program


