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Fourteen X students among the winners of the Excellence Eiffel Scholarship 2024

Awarded by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Eiffel scholarships benefit international students who have distinguished themselves through academic excellence. Fourteen international students of École Polytechnique are among the recipients of the Eiffel Excellence Scholarships 2024, illustrating the global reputation of l’X.
22 May. 2024

Fourteen international students of École Polytechnique are among the winners of the Excellence Eiffel Scholarship program, established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, making l’X one of France's leading institutions in terms of the number of recipients of this merit-based scholarship in engineering. The fourteen students are from seven different nationalities. 

“The Eiffel scholarship allows me to pursue my studies in France – an opportunity I have dreamt of. It opens the doors to world-class education and personal development for me, as a Cambodian student”, explains You Y Chouv (X24), who is one of the recipients of the Eiffel Excellence scholarships 2024 and will join École Polytechnique in September as part of the Ingénieur Polytechnicien program’s class 2024.  

After completing her undergraduate engineering studies at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) in Phnom Penh, You Y Chouv was admitted to the international university entrance examination for the polytechnic engineering cycle, which she passed with flying colors.

You Y Chouv is one of the ten Eiffel scholarship recipients in the class 2024. Two other winners are already studying in the School’s Ingénieur Polytechnicien program as part of the class 2023, and two more winners are planning to study in one of École Polytechnique’s Master of Science and Technology programs.

The award of fourteen Excellence Eiffel Scholarships to international students of l'École Polytechnique also illustrates the diversity of the School's international recruitment. Currently, 40% of its students are international, joining l’X from all over the world. With more than 100 nationalities on campus and also over 40% international professors and researchers, École Polytechnique, as part of IP Paris, ranks first in terms of internationalization in France’s higher education institutions.

The Excellence Eiffel Scholarship program

Established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Excellence Eiffel Scholarship program is designed to support French higher education institutions to attract particularly promising foreign students to their Master's and PhD degree programs. One of the main selection criteria is the excellence of candidates' previous academic achievements.

The Eiffel scholarship represents a distinction based on merit, and the scholarship recipients are aware of this. Sylvain Dehayem Kenfouo (X23), a first-year student of the Ingénieur Polytechnicien program, considers “it an honor and a great source of pride to receive the Eiffel scholarship”.

This distinction represents a recognition as also a significant reward for the work I have accomplished so far,” declares Sylvain Dehayem Kenfouo, who joined l’X after his undergraduate studies in engineering sciences at the École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique in Yaoundé, Cameroon. 

He explains that he “particularly appreciates the multidisciplinary École Polytechnique’s curriculum and research, as well as its competitive and demanding environment”. All aspects he considers will enable him to “evolve academically, socially, and professionally.
