Graduation of the 2nd class of the Bachelor of Science Program
The 63 graduates of the second class of the Bachelor of Science program at École Polytechnique celebrated their success on July 16th during a ceremony organized on campus for the students, their professors and the program administration and remotely for their families. Their diplomas were presented by the main professors of their double majors (Maths & Computer Sciences, Maths & Physics and Maths & Economics) after a presentation by Claire Wyart, Director of Research at Inserm and team leader at the Brain Institute in Paris.
"Being the 2nd graduating class of the Ecole Polytechnique Bachelor program, you are among the pioneers of this highly selective, English based, scientific program of excellence that was launched in 2017", said Eric Labaye, President of the École Polytechnique in a message of congratulations to the graduates.
"Your admission results are representative of the outstanding class that you are: many of you are getting into extremely prestigious masters and PhD programs, such as in Berkeley, Columbia, Caltech, Cambridge, DTU, LSE, or also in IP Paris programs like our MSc&Ts or PhD tracks", added Eric Labaye.
The Bachelor of Science is a course of excellence delivered in English by professors and researchers at École Polytechnique, with nearly 80% of the classes made up of international students from some forty countries.
"What make them special is that they are the second cohort of students who graduated from the Bachelor program. They have been part of its development, really participating in continuing to create the program and all the Bachelor community life on campus. We are extremely proud of what they’ve achieved, they are the perfect reprresentaion of what we thought would be graduates from a multidiscplinary program", said Chrystelle Legrand, Bachelor Program Director.
"Having this ceremony is very special because in the context of the COVID-19 pandemin we are very happy to be able to organize it live for the students and remotely for their families. They’ve lived hubrid periods of teaching and social acticities and having this ceremony today here on campus for them means a lot to us", added Christelle Legrand.