IP Paris and HEC Paris launch Hi ! PARIS, an interdisciplinary research center for IA and Data Science

Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) and HEC Paris announce the launch of Hi! PARIS, an interdisciplinary center for research and education devoted to AI and Data Science. Hi! PARIS is the first interdisciplinary and interinstitutional center in Europe, bringing together education, research and innovation. Its declared ambition is to become a world leader in these fields within five years by answering the major challenges linked to technological transformation and its impact on companies and society at large.
The Center will draw on the 300 researchers and the infrastructures of IP Paris and HEC Paris devoted to these fields. This reinforces the dynamic and intense collaboration the two institutions have built, having already shared a doctoral school and joint Master degrees. The Center is entirely financed by the patronage of companies which are mobilized behind the two academic institutions.
For the President of Institut Polytechnique de Paris and of Ecole polytechnique: “The objective is to create a world leader in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Thanks to the excellence of our research and education, this Center will work on the frontiers of science in order to develop an Artificial Intelligence and Data Science that are responsible and ethical.”
“Hi! PARIS will contribute to the development of a digital sovereignty of France and Europe, guaranteeing the competitiveness of its enterprises, the efficiency of its administrations, and the quality of life of its citizens”, adds Eric Labaye.
According to Peter Todd, Dean of HEC Paris: “The success of our project is based on the challenge of achieving multidisciplinarity at the very highest level, relying on the combination of complementary and recognized fields of expertise of HEC Paris and Institut Polytechnique de Paris, but also on the support of major actors in the economic world. We hope that many companies will join Hi! PARIS, thus fashioning a new AI at the service of a durable economy and a just society.”
The Center will intervene in key applied disciplines such as energy and environment, defense and security, health, retail and luxury industries, telecommunications, nutrition, finance and insurance, and more. By reinforcing the collaboration between IP Paris and HEC Paris, and by capitalizing on expertise which range across a broad spectrum of academic fields, Hi! PARIS will have a powerful impact on a European and global scale in terms of Data-AI research and education (engineers, managers, young researchers, executive education). These resources are at present essential for companies and laboratories, both public and private.
In order to support the Center’s ambition, a Scientific Advisory Bord has been set up. Made up of ten academics who are internationally recognized in the Center’s area of research, i twill be the forum for reflection, assessment (particularly in the area of recruitment) and proposals regarding the Center’s scientific policy.
The Center relies on a disruptive vision of sponsoring companies backed by significant financial contributions, which will support long-term research. These are essential collaborations in the drive to become an international champion in higher education and research in the fields of AI and Data Science. They will allow the implementation of a post-doctoral program capable of competing with the greatest institutions in the world. Backed by company partners and academic foundations, the Center’s financial strength will allow it to recruit experts whose research will complement the topics already being studied at Hi! PARIS. The Center already has the backing of five founding sponsors: L’Oréal, Capgemini, TOTAL, Kering, and Rexel.
Since 2018, HEC Paris and IP Paris have forged an alliance through numerous projects in the areas of teaching, research and entrepreneurship. This alliance combines expertise in the economic world and in-depth knowledge of the technology that will shape our future. As both institutions develop high-level research and education, they are pursuing joint projects that embody the values of excellence, openness, and innovation. The lauch of this Center marks a crucial step that will help to release the full potential of the combined expertise of HEC Paris and IP Paris in order to develop projects with high added value to benefit science, business, and society.
Institut Polytechnique de Paris is a public higher education and research institution that brings together five prestigious French engineering schools: École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis. Thanks to the academic anchorage of its five founding schools and its alliance with HEC Paris, IP Paris positions itself as a leading academic and research institution in France and internationally.
Press Release and Press Kit are available here.