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An École Polytechnique's team ranked in the 46th ICPC world finals
A team from École Polytechnique is among the finalists of the world's most prestigious student programming contest, the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). The X finalists had already distinguished themselves at the ICPC's Southwestern Europe Regional Constest (SWERC) 2021-2022.
École Polytechnique in the world's Top 20 for higher education in digital – THE
École Polytechnique ranks 18th worldwide in the “Digital Leaders in Higher Education” ranking compiled by Emerging for Times Higher Education (THE). It ranks 14th worldwide in the “Computer Science” category, 23rd in the “Management of Digital Transformation” category and 24th in the “Digital Entrepreneurship” category.
École Polytechnique, silver medallist at the 2024 International Physicists Tournament
After winning the French selection, a team from École Polytechnique engineering students came second in the final of the 16th International Physicists Tournament organized from April 2 to 6 by the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Zürich (ETH) in Switzerland.
A new course on sovereignty and defense issues for École Polytechnique’s students
École Polytechnique is continuing to adapt its historic curriculum, the ingénieur polytechnicien program, to contemporary societal and sovereignty issues. A new course entitled “Global Equilibria, Sovereignty and Defense Issues” for 1st year students began on April 18, 2024.
Nearly 30 École Polytechnique’s graduates in the Choiseul 2024 ranking
Twenty-nine École Polytechnique alumni and graduates feature in the 2024 edition of the Choiseul ranking of business leaders under 40. Thirteen of them feature in the Top 100.
Three École Polytechnique’s Masters awarded in the 2024 Eduniversal ranking
The Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Visual Computing is first in its category, as in 2023. The MSc&T Energy Environnement: Science, Technology and Management is second in its category, moving up one place. Finally, the MSc&T Internet of Things: Innovation and Management, ranked for the first time, is ranked 6th in its field.
6th Bachelor Speech Contest: Freedom in question
The sixth edition of the Bachelors speech contest took place on February 13, 2024. Open to 2nd-year students, this competition illustrates the openness and multidisciplinarity of this post-baccalaureate program, which is taught entirely in English and is now recognized worldwide.
École Polytechnique launches a new course on sustainable engineering
Led by Céline Guivarch, an economist, climate change specialist at École des Ponts and writer for the IPCC, this 40-hour course is aimed at 2nd-year students of the Cycle ingénieur polytechnicien program. Its aim is to give them a systemic vision of the major challenges of sustainability, and to equip them with the knowledge they need to tackle them. Launched at the start of the 2024 academic year, it is part of École Polytechnique's Climate Plan.
Two silver medals for École Polytechnique at the SWERC programming contest
The two École Polytechnique’s teams ended 3rd and 4th in the prestigious SWERC 2023 programming contest (Southwestern Europe Regional Contest) of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), which took place in Paris. The best of the two will take part in the European EUC 2024 contest in March, followed by the ICPC world final in September.
International, Education
École Polytechnique launches the season 2 of its acclaimed MOOC in French language and culture
Building on the success of its "Studying in France" online course, the École Polytechnique’s academic team behind it is launching a new advanced MOOC. Entitled "Understanding France, Advanced French Language and Culture", this online course focuses on French and Francophone cultures.
École polytechnique tops L'Étudiant's 2024 ranking of Engineering Schools
École polytechnique remains at the top of the 2024 ranking of French Engineering Schools published by the French magazine L'Étudiant, ahead of ENSTA Paris (2nd) and École des Mines Paris Tech (3rd). The ranking covers 170 Schools.
École Polytechnique’s Executive Education launches five new programs
École Polytechnique's Executive Education division is launching five new programs for executives and managers of private and public organizations, focusing on technological innovation, cybersecurity, cloud, data and artificial intelligence, and sustainable performance and governance.