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L'X at the July 14th parade, between the Paris Olympics and the Liberation celebrations
École polytechnique's traditional participation in the July 14 military parade involved 246 Cycle ingénieur polytechnicien program students, slightly fewer than in previous years, for a ceremony that was scaled back due to preparations for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Placed under the dual theme of the 80th anniversary of the Liberation and Olympism, the 2024 parade was particularly resonant with the Polytechnique spirit.
AI: €70 million for the “Hi! PARIS Cluster 2030” project led by IP Paris and HEC Paris
A consortium led by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, of which X is a founding member, and HEC Paris has won a €70 million call for IA Cluster projects. This collective success will have numerous spin-offs for the X laboratories involved in the Hi! PARIS Interdisciplinary Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis.
French Minister of the Armed Forces at École Polytechnique to boost AI in Defense
The French Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, announced at École polytechnique the creation as early as summer 2024 of a new Ministerial Agency for Artificial Intelligence in Defense (MAAID). The agency's research center will be located on Ecole Polytechnique’s campus. The minister also reiterated the importance of the military status of École Polytechnique’s cadets, and underlined the importance of the resources allocated to École polytechnique by the Ministry of the Armed Forces.
Cybersecurity needs explode as cyberthreats grow - ANSSI Director General
Vincent Strubel (X2000), Director General of the French Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI), spoke at École Polytechnique, underlining the change in scale of cybercrime, the explosion in training and research needs in cyberdefense, and the role Ecole Polytechnique can play to fulfill them.
The first class of French Tech 2030 welcomed at Ecole Polytechnique
École Polytechnique has hosted the seminar for the first French Tech 2030 class. It gathered the program's institutional partners and the 125 winning start-ups, of which 16 from Ecole Polytechnique’s innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. At the same time, a ranking by the the French newspaper Le Figaro confirmed Ecole Polytechnique’s strong entrepreneurial dynamism.
Laura Chaubard appointed acting president of École Polytechnique
Director-General of École Polytechnique since October 5th, 2022, Laura Chaubard will also act as acting president of the School's Board of Directors, with effect from September 17th, 2023.
École Polytechnique and IP Paris have turned a corner in all their areas of development – Eric Labaye
President of École Polytechnique and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris since 2018, Eric Labaye will step down as head of both institutions on September 16th. He takes stock of the many progress made during his five years in office.
L'X at the Bastille Day 2023 parade, an ever-strong link with the Armed Forces
Nearly three hundred students of the X2022 class were involved in the in the Bastille Day parade, while Ecole Polytechnique's link with the Armed Forces, established in 1804, remains as strong as ever. In 2022-2023, 80% of the ingénieur polytechnicien program’s students will have completed their human and military training in the Army, Air Force, Navy, the French Gendarmerie and the Paris Fire Brigade.
International, Institution, Sustainable Development
EuroTech Alliance declares unanimous commitment to sustainability
École Polytechnique’s presidency of the alliance spurs a unanimous commitment to accelerate sustainable development. EuroTech Universities Alliance president since June 2022, Éric Labaye, the Chairman and President of École Polytechnique and of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, welcomed the presidents of the EuroTech partner institutions at École Polytechnique for their annual meeting on June 7th, 2023.
Institution, Research
Regulation in the fight against global warming at the heart of the 2nd REFLEXIONS international conference at École Polytechnique
On June 9, the second REFLEXIONS International conference, organized by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris at Ecole Polytechnique, brought together numerous academic and scientific experts, public and private sector leaders and civil society stakholders to contribute to understanding and resolving regulatory issues in the fight against global warming.
ECB’s Christine Lagarde delivers a conference at École Polytechnique
Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank (ECB), discussed with students of École Polytechnique and of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris. She underlined three key challenges for the coming years : the ongoing transformation of globalization, the consequences, including for monetary policy, of digital technologies and global warming.
International, Institution, Sustainable Development
École Polytechnique hosts EuroTech Alliance symposium on Sustainability
Presiding the EuroTech Universities Alliance in 2022-2023, École Polytechnique organized the "EuroTech Universities: An alliance working for global sustainability" symposium on March 28, 2023. The event brought together researchers, professors, and the leadership from the EuroTech Alliance's six European partner universities.