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MATritime: mathematics for the energy transition in sea shipping
École Polytechnique, Inria, CNRS and Bañulsdesign have joined forces to launch the MATritime joint laboratory, with funding from the French National Research Agency. The aim is to develop computational and statistical tools that will provide the sea shipping industry with the tools for more sustainable boat design and operation.
Corporate relations, Research
Samsung Healthcare acquires a start-up spun off from École Polytechnique’s research
Sonio, the result of mathematical research carried out at the Centre for Applied Mathematics (CMAP), is developing a solution to support practitioners in the conduct of fetal ultrasound and antenatal diagnosis. Automated with the help of artificial intelligence, this tool aims to detect anomalies in real time, or after the examination to remove any doubt. Launched in 2020, its acquisition by the medical subsidiary of Korean giant Samsung has just been finalized.
Chairs, Research
Catherine Rolland, a woman committed to science and culture
Catherine Rolland is project manager of the GameLab of the "Science and Video Games" Chair at the École polytechnique, for which she is preparing the new programme. She has been involved in a number of projects on education about the medium. In autumn 2023 she was named one of the 100 Cultural Women of the Year for her commitment to video games.
Chairs, Research
A new Chair for AI and mobility
Launched by the SNCF group, the École polytechnique and the Fondation de l'École polytechnique, this new teaching and research chair will develop innovative AI-based technologies to improve the quality and sustainability of transport. It will involve Polytechnique engineering students in the challenges of sustainable mobility.
Two ERC Starting fellowships in theoretical physics and economics
Theoretical physicist Carlota Andres and economist Julien Combe are the winners of two ERC Starting Grants supported by Ecole Polytechnique. This funding from the European Research Council helps early-career researchers to build their teams and pursue their most ambitious ideas.
Chairs, Research
The international Chair 'Data Science Institute’ has been renewed
Orange Group, Société Générale Côte d'Ivoire, INP-HB, ENSEA, École Polytechnique and the Foundation of École Polytechnique are renewing the ‘Data Science Institute’ international Chair to continue its international teaching programme in data science. The renewal was celebrated on 8 July 2024.
When mechanics make cells talk
In early 2024, Charles Baroud, professor and researcher at the Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LadHyX*), was awarded an ERC Advanced Grants for his Melcart project. Acronym for Mechanical Characterization and Stimulation of Microtissues, this research project aims to develop technologies and knowledge around mechanobiology, with a view to numerous applications in engineering, pharmacology and health. Focus.
Operation CIEDS 2024 organized at École polytechnique
Held at École Polytechnique, Opération CIEDS 2024 brought together researchers, students, companies and Ministry of the Armed Forces personnel to discuss issues at the crossroads of Defense, Innovation and Industry. For its second edition, Opération CIEDS confirmed its success.
Observation of a new mechanism enabling protein droplets to swim
A team from the Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LadHyX*), in collaboration with ETH Zürich and Cornell University, has identified a new physical phenomenon by which bioinspired protein droplets are able to move. This mechanism could play a role in the organization of living cells.
Online platforms: users under influence
The Cambridge Analytica scandal has shown that targeting technologies on online platforms (Google, Facebook, Tik Tok...) go beyond the simple sale of objects or services to invest in the realm of information. The work of Oana Goga, a researcher at École Polytechnique's Computer science laboratory (LIX), studies the impact of these technologies on privacy, security and the manipulation of public opinion. They have fuelled reflection on the European Union's Digital Services Act and are being continued today as part of an ERC Starting Grants fellowship.
A new experimental approach to investigate defects in semiconductors
At the Laboratory of Condensed Matter for Physics (PMC*), a team has successfully determined the spin-dependent electronic structure linked to the presence of defects in the arrangement of atoms in a semiconductor. This is the first time that this structure has been measured. The results are published in Physical Review Letters.
The fascinating properties of quantum dots
Newly arrived at the Laboratory of Condensed Matter for Physics, Clément Livache conducts research on quantum dots, semiconductor nanocrystals whose light absorption and emission properties can be controlled. These are among the innovative materials that the interdisciplinary center Materials for Society (M4S) intends to promote.