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CNRS bronze medal for Eleonora Di Nezza
© Laurent Ardhuin pour le CNRS At the beginning of her higher education studies in Italy, mathematics was like a game. "That's what made me want to...
École Polytechnique goes green
NeXt, the students' association dedicated to the ecological transition and environmental protection, is organizing the 14th edition of the Week of...
Awards for Four Group Science Projects of the X2019 Class
The 13 Group Science Projects (GSPs) selected by the education and research departments among the 113 GSPs of the X2019 class were presented on...
Inauguration of SIRTA, a new Atmospheric Research Observatory
SIRTA (Site instrumental de recherche par télédétection), an infrastructure supported by the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL*) and the result of...
L’X and Osaka University co-organized Part III of the U7+ Intergenerational Roundtable Series
Participants during the 3rd session of the U7+ Intergenerational Roundtable Series The U7+ Intergenerational Roundtable Series prolonged the...
Students present their work at a major AI conference
The Platform for Artificial Intelligence (PFIA) is a major annual event in artificial intelligence research. It addresses issues and research common...
Claudine Hermann, renown physicist and fisrt woman appointed professor at the École Polytechnique, passed away
Claudine Hermann was the first woman to be appointed as a professor at l’X, a renowned physicist and a champion of the promotion of women in the...
Building on its success, the Executive Master is preparing the next steps in its development
Nicolas Mottis and Cécile Chamaret during the graduation ceremony of the 3rd class of the Executive Master At the origins of the Executive Master...
Integrated circuits : Controlling the design is a major issue
Two large-scale events celebrated the achievements and potential of high tech and digital technology in June: Vivatech, where the Institut...
École Polytechnique fills the space at SpaceConnect'21 on June 24
SpaceConnect'21, an event dedicated to the European space community, will take place in a hybrid format on June 24 in Meudon with a strong involvement...
The First Employment Survey highlights a strong contribution to growth, innovation and research in France
The 2021 edition of the First Employment Survey of graduates of the Ingénieur Polytechnicien Program of the École Polytechnique shows that nearly half...
L'X and Télécom Paris launch an online specialization course on business digitalization
Designed and developed by academics from École Polytechnique and Télécom Paris, the "Digital Business" specialization course is the first to be...