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Online platforms: users under influence
The Cambridge Analytica scandal has shown that targeting technologies on online platforms (Google, Facebook, Tik Tok...) go beyond the simple sale of objects or services to invest in the realm of information. The work of Oana Goga, a researcher at École Polytechnique's Computer science laboratory (LIX), studies the impact of these technologies on privacy, security and the manipulation of public opinion. They have fuelled reflection on the European Union's Digital Services Act and are being continued today as part of an ERC Starting Grants fellowship.
Corporate relations
New round of financing for C12, a quantum processors start-up, launched by two X alumni
Launched by two X alumni brothers, C12, a pioneer in the use of carbon nanotubes to build a universal quantum computer, has completed its second round of financing, raising 18 million euros. The start-up is one of five selected by the French Ministry of the Armed Forces as part of the Proqcima program to develop two prototypes of quantum computers.
Sustainable Development
A public health data-visualization app developed by Msc&T students
Five students from École Polytechnique's "Data and Economics for Public Policy" Master's program have developed an interactive map of public health determinants down to the level of French local authorities, for the French Ministry of the Environment's Ecolab.
Corporate relations
Gerondeau - Safran 2024 Awards awarded to INEN Robotics and Greyn
The winners of this 13th edition of the Gerondeau - Safran Prize convinced the jury with their innovations in the fields of health and construction. They each received 15,000 euros to develop their projects.
Chairs, Research
Econophysics, a new approach to economics
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Five École Polytechnique’s start-ups join the Next 40 2024
A quarter of the start-ups in the Next 40 2024 and 7 of the 30 French unicorns were created by X alumni or supported by X-UP, the School's incubator.
MERGE: biology through A+B
How does a bacterial line behave in the face of a cocktail of antibiotics, cancer cells in the face of chemotherapy, or the Guyanese forest in the face of climate change? At the Center for Applied Mathematics (CMAP), the MERGE team works at the interface between biology and mathematics. It contributes to the emergence of new questions and tools in the latter field, while shedding light on the problems faced by biologists.
Corporate relations
Thirteen X start-ups at VivaTech 2024
The thirteen X start-ups are among the 28 high-impact start-ups from the Institut Polytechnique de Paris' innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem presented on the IP Paris stand at Vivatech 2024.
AI: €70 million for the “Hi! PARIS Cluster 2030” project led by IP Paris and HEC Paris
A consortium led by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, of which X is a founding member, and HEC Paris has won a €70 million call for IA Cluster projects. This collective success will have numerous spin-offs for the X laboratories involved in the Hi! PARIS Interdisciplinary Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis.
SInfoNiA: modeling information, modeling the intangible
Financial crises, currency attacks, social stability... our world's economic activity is particularly sensitive to information and the way it circulates. Led by Olivier Gossner, Research Director at the Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST) and winner of an ERC Advanced Grant from the European Union in 2024, the SInfoNiA project analyzes how the dissemination of information impacts collective choices.