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L’X affirms its ranking in the Top 100 best universities worldwide

10 Jun. 2020

Des éléves de l'X dans l'amphithéâtre Poincaré

École Polytechnique is ranked among the Top 100 universities according to the 2021 edition of the best universities worldwide released by QS Quacquarelli Symonds and affirms its position ranking 61st worldwide (60th in 2019 and 65th in 2018).

The School confirms its second position among the 28 best French universities listed by QS behind Paris-Sciences-et-Lettres (PSL) which ranks 52nd and ahead of Sorbonne Université (83rd), the three French higher education institutions appearing in the Top 100.

École Polytechnique’s score has improved in four indicator areas: citations per faculty, inbound student exchange, overall faculty/student ratio, and international faculty index.

L’X ranks 15th worldwide in terms of employer reputation, receiving its best score for this particular indicator.

The top three institutions remain American: MIT (1st), followed by Stanford University (2nd) and Harvard University (3rd).

The QS World University Rankings have been published since 2004 and look at six key indicators. The academic reputation, taken from the annual survey conducted by QS, is designed to evaluate the perceptions of academics from around the world regarding the best institutions in terms of research. In this edition, over 102,500 responses were recorded globally. Employer reputation is aimed at gathering the views of employers around the world on the institutions providing the best professionals. For the 2021 edition, around 52,000 responses were analyzed. Faculty/student is the ratio between the number of academic staff and number of students. A higher number of teachers per student is an indirect indicator of the commitment of the institutions to high-quality teaching, according to QS. The citations per faculty ratio measures the average number of citations obtained per faculty member, and is an estimate of the impact and quality of the scientific work produced by universities The International Faculty Index is simply based on the proportion of faculty members that are international. It is a proxy measure for how internationally attractive the university is to academic staff. The International Students Index is based on the proportion of students that are international. It is a proxy measure for how internationally attractive the university is to students.
