A micro-grid for smarter energy use

Scientists are taking a step forward in smart buildings. Their micro-grid, set at the Drahi - X Novation Center to explore smart energy management systems in buildings, will be inaugurated in the coming weeks. It is the first of three micro-grids in the unique "Grid Power for Sustainability" project, launched in December 2018, which brings together five start-ups, the CESI and the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory of École Polytechnique to test and roll out intelligent energy management systems.
The Drahi - X Novation Center's micro-grid combines sensors, which measure temperature and power consumption and production in real time, with photovoltaic panels and an electrochemical power storage system. Thanks to a connection to the Enedis power grid and to a car-sharing station adapted to the "vehicle to grid", the energy management system is able to anticipate a defect or excess of solar energy production and to analyse the best way to compensate for these variations, such as injecting or withdrawing energy from the batteries of car-sharing vehicles.
This first demonstrator enables scientists to experiment decision criteria for energy management systems facing real use and production constraints. It also allows start-ups to improve their prototypes and services, and researchers to collect and analyze data essential to the deployment of smart-grids on a large scale.
About the project « Grid Power for Sustainability » :
The project "Grid Power for Sustainability" (GPS) is supported by the European Union and the region Île-de-France. It brings together five start-ups (Clem', Dotvision, Evolution Energie, Elum Energy and Luceor), the CESI and the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory, a member of Energy4Climate, the interdisciplinary center of Institut Polytechnique de Paris. The goal of this project is to roll out three micro-grids in the region Ile-de-France by 2020 in order to provide efficient energy management solutions at different levels (buildings, areas, vehicles), with energy production, storage and measurement equipment, communication networks and software to optimize and manage these resources. The three demonstrators are set at the Sénart eco-nursery, the Smart Building of CESI in Nanterre, and at the Drahi - X Novation Center of École Polytechnique.