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Nearly 30 École Polytechnique’s graduates in the Choiseul 2024 ranking

Twenty-nine École Polytechnique alumni and graduates feature in the 2024 edition of the Choiseul ranking of business leaders under 40. Thirteen of them feature in the Top 100.
26 Mar. 2024
Education, Rankings

The Choiseul Institute has published its selection for 2024 of the 200 decision-makers under 40, it considers the most promising for the French economy.

Twenty-nine École polytechnique alumni or graduates feature in this list of which 13 in the Top 100 (see below).

The alumni and graduates identified for their current and future contribution to the French economy work in a wide variety of fields, in both the public and private sectors, reflecting the diversity of careers embraced by École polytechnique’sgraduates, their entrepreneurial dynamism and many of the School's strengths in education and research.

Entrepreneurial spirit: AI, Quantum and Greentech

The Choiseul ranking illustrates in particular the entrepreneurial spirit of École polytechnique’s graduates and their strong involvement in cutting-edge fields such as AI and quantum, space or Greentech, in which the School is also strongly committed.

The Choiseul 2024 ranking includes Arthur Mensch (X11), co-founder of Mistral AI, a French conversational artificial intelligence nugget, Théau Peronnin (X12) of Alice & Bob and Pierre Desjardins (X08) of C12 in the field of quantum computing, as well as Jeremy Jawish (X08) of Shift Technology and Alexandre Meyer (X18) of WeProov, for data and AI applications in the insurance and automotive repair sectors.

Romain Lucken (PhD 2019) and David Henri (X13), respectively co-founders of ShareMySpace and Exotrail, highlight the entrepreneurial developements of École Polytechnique's strong involvement in space research and technologies.

With Nicolas Cruaud (X16) of Néolithe and Sarah Lamaison (X12) of Dioxycle, the Choiseul ranking also honors two GreenTech entrepreneurs who were the subject of portraits in the "Les X pour la Planète" series devoted to the careers and initiatives of polytechnicians who have worked and are still working to prepare a more sustainable world.

Industry appeal

The most recent edition of the First Job survey of the Cycle ingénieur polytechnicien program graduates showed that almost 50% of them join the corporate world after graduation, with half going into industry, 15% into banking, insurance and finance, and 20% into consulting.

The Choiseul ranking confirms the strong presence of École polytechnique’s graduates in industry, with several of the School’s alumni spotted by Choiseul Institute now working for major industrial giants (Saint-Gobain, Michelin, Valéo, Alstom, Rexel...).

École polytechnique’s graduates included in the Choiseul 2024 ranking also hold management positions in finance and insurance (Lazard, Covéa) or major investment funds (Revaia, Meridiam, Raisers Partners) or consulting compagnies (CapGemini, ARTEFACT).

Many graduates of the Cycle ingénbieyur polytechnicien program also join the civil service, and this commitment is echoed by the presence in the Choiseul 2024 ranking of Mathieu Landon (X08), Industry, Research, Innovation and Digital Advisor, in the Cabinets of the French President of the Republic and the Prime Minister, and Vincent Le Biez (X04), Deputy Interministerial Delegate at the Délégation Interministérielle au Nouveau Nucléaire (DINN).

Following the success of the first edition, École Polytechnique is planning to hold its second Public Employment Forum on April 25th. 

École Polytechnique’s graduates in the Choiseul 2024 ranking

Top 100

Pierre-Louis DUBOURDEAU X04 (Michelin)

Geoffrey BOUQUOT X05 (Valeo)

Noémie CHOCAT X04 (Saint-Gobain)


Elina BERREBI X06 (Revaia)

Matthieu LANDON X08 (Présidence de la République)

Arthur DÉNOUVEAUX X05 (Covéa) 

Thomas MÉTIVIER X06 (Cdiscount)

Arthur MENSCH X11 (Mistral AI)

Philippe ENGLEBERT M15 (Lazard)

Nathalie BOUVIER-TERSIGUEL X06 (Alstom)

Thibaud FROSSARD X12 (Capgemini)

Jeremy JAWISH X08 (Shift Technology)


Top 200

Kevin DEDIEU X07 (Descartes)

Constance GRISONI X11 (Rexel)

Guillaume KRETZ M08 (Groupe Chantelle)

Xavier PLOQUIN X07 (Meridiam)

Auriane CANO-CHANCEL X05 (AstraZeneca)

Benoît DAVID X05 (Raisers partners)

Vincent LE BIEZ X04 (Délégation interministérielle au nouveau nucléaire – DINN)

Alexandre MEYER X18 (WeProov)

Théau PERONNIN X12 (Alice & Bob)

Nicolas CRUAUD X16 (Néolithe)

Pierre DESJARDINS X08 (C12)

David HENRI X13 (Exotrail)

Sarah LAMAISON X12 (Dioxycle)

Romain LUCKEN D19 (Share my space)

Matthieu ROUIF X05 (PhotoRoom)

Nicolas SIMON X08 (Wandercraft)
