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  • Sabrina Speich (LMD) Collaborates On The WHIRLS Project, Funded By An ERC Synergy Grant

Sabrina Speich (LMD) collaborates on the WHIRLS project, funded by an ERC Synergy grant

The WHIRLS project, which studies the role of ocean eddies on climate, is one of 37 Synergy grant projects announced on October 26 by the European Research Council (ERC). Sabrina Speich from École Normale Supérieure de Paris and researcher at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD) is leading this project with three other researchers.
08 Nov. 2023
Research, LMD

The WHIRLS project, led by a team of international scientists including Sabrina Speich from the École normale supérieure de Paris and researcher at the Laboratoire de météorologie dynamique (CNRS, ENS-PSL, Sorbonne Université, École polytechnique-Institut Polytechnique de Paris), has been awarded an ERC Synergy grant.

Also led by Arne Biastoch from GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Germany), Sebastiaan Swart from the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Sarah Fawcett from the University of Cape Town (South Africa), the WHIRLS project aims to study the role of ocean eddies on climate.

It is one of 37 projects to receive an ERC Synergy Grant as part of the "ERC Synergy Grants 2023" call for proposals unveiled by the European Research Council (ERC) on October 26.

The European Research Council is a European Union body responsible for coordinating research efforts between EU member states, and the leading pan-European funding agency for "research at the frontier of knowledge".

Lasting 6 years and worth up to 10 million euros, ERC Synergy grants are designed to enable groups of 2 to 4 scientists, from member or associate countries, to "tackle some of the world's most challenging research problems, spanning several scientific disciplines".

