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Sixth edition of Erasmus Days at École Polytechnique

As Erasmus Days are organized throughout the world from October 13 to 15, École Polytechnique highlighted the many opportunities for international exchange and mobility offered to students, PhD candidates, faculty, and administrative staff to support their projects during an event on campus on October 14.
18 Oct. 2022
International, Institution

École Polytechnique participated in the 6th edition of Erasmus Days, celebrated from October 13 to 15, 2022. Inviting students, faculty, PhD candidates, and staff to (re)discover the many opportunities the Erasmus+ program offers, the School's International Affairs Office organized a dedicated event on October 14. 

Several booths and activities invited visitors to gather information regarding the different types of international mobility funded by the Erasmus+ program and to learn about others' exchange experiences. Moreover, the event also represented an excellent occasion to highlight the values promoted by Erasmus+ and, in particular, the program's efforts to support sustainability and diversity.

École Polytechnique's event dedicated to Erasmus Days reflects its policy to cultivate the institution's global outlook and to promote student and faculty exchange within the high-quality international partnerships the School consistently fosters and develops.

Currently, 40% of École Polytechnique's students and 40% of its faculty members are international, making the campus a melting pot where over 100 nationalities exchange and study together.

Recognizing the quality of École Polytechnique's welcome policy and global environment, THE Most international universities 2021 ranking declared l'X the most international higher education and research institution in France. Furthermore, for the 2022 edition of THE Most international universities ranking, l'X was ranked as one entity in line with the other four schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris, awarded 1st place in France on its turn.
