Workshop on Economic and Financial Networks

Networks, whether economic or financial, raise complex data processing and organization problems and generate new questions regarding how individuals behave in their network. These questions are tackled scientists from different disciplines. To address these issues, the Economics Department and the EconophysiX Chair co-organize an international symposium on the theme of networks.
The “Workshop on Economic and Financial Networks” will take place on June 8th-9th 2020 at the Institute of Complex Systems in Paris and will bring together experts from around the world.
Physicists, economists and network experts will be able to discover the latest advances in network research on very broad areas. Economics, finance, but also social networks or complex networks such as ecosystems, different topics will be discussed to establish a state-of-the-art research.
This meeting will also promote interdisciplinarity by provoking interactions between experts to create new synergies and to bring out new research topics.
Networks at École Polytechnique
Two research projects are at the initiative of this Symposium: Isabelle Mejean's TRADENET project financed by an ERC Starting Grant, as well as the EconophysiX Research Chair.
TRADENET: This ERC project aims to study the structure of firm-to-firm networks and its consequences for various aggregate outcomes. Isabelle Mejean exploits highly disaggregated firm-to-firm trade data combined with models of endogenous trade networks to study the structure of these networks.
EconophysiX Chair: Created in early 2019 thanks to the sponsorship of Capital Fund Management (CFM), the EconophysiX Research Chair aims to use innovative approaches inspired by physics to tackle economics problems from a new angle. This Chair is managed by Michael Benzaquen, CNRS research scientist at Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LadHyX).