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  • X-EXED Offering Has Been Extended To Encompass New Training Needs

X-EXED offering has been extended to encompass new training needs

18 May. 2020

In order to support decision-makers, experts and private individuals facing the new challenges raised by the Covid-19 pandemic and the measures to combat it, L’X Executive Education (X-EXED) has adapted its programs, developed new offerings and launched webinars to meet the expectations of its users.

As the lockdown period resulted in many individuals and businesses cancelling or postponing their participation in the courses they were enrolled in, X-EXED has digitalized a large portion of its programs, enabling them to be dispensed online. A fully remote training offering in short formats of one to two days has also been developed for people on short-time working schemes.

A series of webinars titled “Les minutes de L’X” has been launched. The aim is to offer stakeholders of the economy, and society in general, one-hour discussions with L’X professors and researchers in order to rethink the post-crisis world. Organized once a week since they started in late April, they will be hold several times a month from June.

L’X-EXED has also started up new projects with some of its partners, for example a joint offer on the subject of public-sector innovation, in partnership with ENA and ENSCI, accessible online and intended for public-sector managers, covering three themes: digital transformation, innovation with data, and digital inclusion.

Partnerships with the top companies in their sectors

L’X-EXED, which celebrated its fifth anniversary on March 25, 2020, has become one of the leading players in the executive education market in France and is widely acknowledged in fields such as digital affairs, disruptive technologies, renewable energy, innovation and entrepreneurship, sustainable development, and change management.

As evidence that L’X-EXED has met the expectations of its target audience, namely business leaders, managers and experts, its turnover has almost tripled since its inception. This success has come through a training offering targeted toward businesses and the public sector, with more than 100 programs (courses issuing diplomas and certificates, short courses, custom programs, training through debate, LEX and seminars) in classrooms, online, or in hybrid format. L’X-EXED provides training for more than 3,000 people per year.

To provide courses for experts, managers and senior executives, long-term partnerships have been established with the leading companies in their sectors, such as Dassault Aviation, Orange, SFR, BNP Paribas, SNCF, SAP, Orano, EDF, Faurecia, BPI, MBDA, and more.

L’X-EXED can rely on its team of 35 staff members, and programs are designed by L’X professors and researchers.

“It’s a close-knit team who know how to work transversally and use agile working methods, which is a great help to us at the moment with our health crisis management”, summarizes Tatiana Defrance, Director-General of L’X-EXED.

