X Forum 2021 : Digital networking

Workshops, conferences, interviews and networking sessions have taken place online during these two days dedicated to meetings between students and employers. Organized for all École Polytechnique and Institut Polytechnique de Paris students, this professional meeting has given them the opportunity to discover companies, find an internship or a first job and to identify academic opportunities, while establishing privileged contacts with the exhibitors.
Valeo, Vinci et L’Oréal are the three prestigious partners of this event’s 28th edition which has gathered companies from the manufacturing sector, services industry, telecoms, audit, consulting as well as the banking or insurance sectors. The X-Forum continues to broaden the spectrum of its exhibitors by welcoming start-ups and small companies.
X-Forum, is a team of 48 highly motivated students who work for all the students of the École polytechnique and Institut Polytechnique de Paris by organising the school's job fair.
Join the event on Facebook
X-Forum on LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/x-forum/about/
X-Forum website : https://x-forum.fr/presentation#forum