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X Forum 2023 : Ecole Polytechnique's reputation among employers remains as strong as ever

On October 2nd and 3rd, the X-Forum, brought together nearly 2,000 students, including 1,000 polytechnicians, and over 150 international companies, Schools and universities on the campus.
L'équipe du X-Forum 2023
02 Oct. 2023
Campus, Education

Organized by the X-Forum association and mobilizing a team of 50 students, the Forum brings together over 150 international companies, Schools and universities on the Ecole Polytechnique’s campus to introduce themselves to almost 2,000 students, including 1,000 polytechnicians.

On the first day of the event, known as "Career Day", students can take part in a series of career-related conferences, enabling them to clarify their career plans or the next step in their studies. They can also take part in mock job interviews, work placement workshops and CV review sessions. At the end of the day, career workshops organized with the support of AX, the X alumni association, enable groups of students to discover a particular business sector and exchange views with the School’s alumni working in the same area. At the same time, third-year Ingénieur polytechnicien program students can attend presentations by government bodies and international universities.

The second day is devoted to the Forum itself, covering 3,000 square meters with stands from over 150 participating companies and institutions.

Alongside the four prestigious partners of this year's event - Vinci, Saint-Gobain, Sanofi and Orano - a number of major players from the consulting, finance, industrial, telecommunications and digital technology sectors were present.

Illustrating X's proximity to the business world, direct exchanges with students enable them to test the relevance of their planned training to the job market, facilitate their search for internships or financing, and even land a possible job.

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris, of which Ecole Polytechique is a founding member along with ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis, is ranked 10th worldwide and 1st in France for its reputation with employers.

