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- Nomadic Labs and Caisse Des Dépôts Join The Chair « Blockchain & B2B Platforms » Created By Capgemini, École Polytechnique and École Polytechnique Foundation
Nomadic Labs and Caisse des Dépôts join the Chair « Blockchain & B2B Platforms » created by Capgemini, École Polytechnique and École Polytechnique Foundation

Launched in 2019, the "Blockchain & B2B Platform" Chair aims to:
• develop new skill pools and contribute to the emergence of talented individuals capable of meeting the challenges of blockchain and its integration into corporate strategies. Thus, courses devoted to blockchain technology and the challenges it represents have already been set up within the IT and economics departments of the École Polytechnique.
• support academic research conducted within the Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST ) and the Computer Science Laboratory of the École Polytechnique (LIX ) in the field of blockchain. In this context, recent work has been carried out and has notably contributed to the implementation of "Zero knowledge proofs" (ZKP) as methods for protecting private data in public blockchains.
By supporting this Chair, the only one of its kind in Europe, Nomadic Labs and Caisse des Dépôts have chosen to strengthen their contribution to research in the scientific and economic fields that are the foundation of blockchain technologies and applications. Bringing, for the first one, a deep technological knowledge, and for the second one, a financial expertise, these new sponsors bring two new visions which add to the approach already proposed by Capgemini within the framework of this Chair, thus reinforcing its scope and its position in the ecosystem.
Michel Mauny, President of Nomadic Labs, comments: "The links between the Tezos ecosystem and research have always been particularly strong. By supporting this Chair, we are pleased to strengthen our contribution to research on blockchain technologies and applications. This opportunity is also another chance for the Tezos ecosystem to remain in constant contact with the decision-makers of tomorrow."
“At the service of the general interest, Caisse des Dépôts is both a full-fledged player in the French Blockchain ecosystem and an active supporter of the latter for which the research and development sector is fundamental. Our support for the Blockchain & B2B Platforms Chair will make it possible, in addition to lifting technological barriers, to anticipate relevant uses in order to facilitate the emergence of industrial projects in France and Europe” explains Nadia Filali, Director of the Blockchain & Cryptoassets Programme at Caisse des Dépôts.
André Cichowlas, Head of Capgemini’s Delivery and member of the Group Executive Committee, adds: "We are pleased to welcome Nomadics Labs and Caisse de Dépôts to strengthen the role of the Chair in terms of digital innovation strategy for our clients, particularly with regard to digital assets, decentralised finance and sustainable development around 'Blockchain for Good' initiatives”.
Daniel Augot and Julien Prat, co-holders of the "Blockchain & B2B Platforms" Chair, conclude: "The arrival of Nomadic Labs and Caisse des Dépôts allows us to considerably broaden the range of our industrial contacts, as well as to consider other areas of application for blockchains. We are thus positioned on almost the entire application spectrum”.
About École Polytechnique
École Polytechnique, also known as L’X, is the leading French institution combining top-level research, academics, and innovation at the cutting-edge of science and technology. Its various undergraduate and graduate-level programs – Bachelor of Science, Ingénieur Polytechnicien (Master’s level program), Master’s, and PhD – are highly selective and promote a culture of excellence with a strong emphasis on science, anchored in humanist traditions. As a widely internationalized university, École Polytechnique offers a variety of international programs and attracts a growing number of foreign students and researchers from around the globe (currently 41% of students and 40% of faculty members).
École Polytechnique offers an exceptional education to prepare bright men and women to excel in top-level key positions and lead complex and innovative projects which meet the challenges of 21st century society, all while maintaining a keen sense of their civil and social responsibilities. With its 23 laboratories, 22 of which are joint research units with the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the École Polytechnique Research Center explores the frontiers of interdisciplinary knowledge to provide major contributions to science, technology, and society. École Polytechnique is a founding member of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
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