Space Education Sponsorship: Science and Space Challenges

The objective of the teaching sponsorship Space: Science and Challenges of Space (ESDS) of the École Polytechnique is to offer its students:

  • education that is relevant for careers in space, including research, management positions in industry, or world's major space agencies;
  • a formation on different aspects of space, valuable in all scientific and industrial domains.

The teaching is based on two fundamental pillars:

  • High level scientific courses with a strong connection to the research conducted in the X research center;
  • Project-based teaching based on the vitality of the Student Space Center (CSEP) and benefiting from our partnership with our sponsors: Thales Alenia Space and ArianeGroup.

Access and contacts

Space sponsorhip : Space sciences & challenges


Pascal Chabert
Head of the education sponsorship

Sylvie Pottier
Administrative and financial manager

Luca Bucciantini
Technical director of the Student Space Centre

Luis Ricardo Colpari Carrizo
CubeSat project manager


Address :

École polytechnique
Route de Saclay
91128 Palaiseau CEDEX