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Catalogs & resources
Access only from the École Polytechnique network
Links | Description |
FOCUS Polytechnique | Search engine providing access to all our print and electronic resources. You can also consult the documentary offer from the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and the Université Paris-Saclay. |
SUDOC | University documentation system: union catalog of French University libraries and research centers. |
ALEPH | All the catalogs of the École Polytechnique library. |
theses.fr | Repository of french thesis, defended or in progress. |
WorldCat.org | WorldCat is the online bibliographic database of the Online Computer Library Center, renowned as the world's largest online public access catalog. Its name is a contraction of the English "World Catalog." Created in 1971, it contains data on 15,637 libraries in 107 countries. |
DUMAS | DUMAS (Dépôt Universitaire de Mémoires Après Soutenance) is an open archive portal for student works starting from BAC+4 (with the exception of doctoral theses which must be deposited on the HAL Theses portal), validated by a jury, in all disciplines. It also offers research-oriented BAC+3 level works in more confidential paramedical fields. The DUMAS portal is hosted by HAL. |
Access only from the Ecole Polytechnique network.
Mass downloading of journal articles is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate suspension of access to the resource for the entire institution.
Links | Description |
All the journals | List of electronic journals |
American Institute of Physics (AIP) | Collection of the latest developments and fundamental research spanning a wide range of physical sciences, of the most recent news, peer-reviewed studies, reviews, books, and proceedings published by AIP Publishing and thier associates |
APS Journals (American Physical Society) | Collection of journals covering the fields of physics and its related disciplines. |
Archives ASME | Collection of journals covering the fields of applied mechanics and its related disciplines. |
Archives Licences Nationales | Journals archives, digitized corpora, freely available to the French higher education and research community. |
Cairn | Collection of French-language journals in SHS, economics, law and management. |
IEEE | 3.2 million full-text articles from journals, conferences, standards (almost 1/3 of technical and scientific literature) in the fields of computer science, physics, electronics, telecommunications, AI, robotics and bio- Computing. Anteriority search and full text since 1896 |
Mathematics Subscribe to Open programme | "Mathematics Subscribe to Open program" is conducted by the publisher EDP Sciences and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. This program includes 6 mathematics journals. |
Nature | Multidisciplinary journal in science |
OpenEditions | Collection of journals in Humanities and Social Sciences |
Opticsinfobase | Collection of journals in the fields of optics and photonics. |
Science | Collection of general scientific reference journals in physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, genetics, anthropology, archeology... |
ScienceDirect | Platform allowing the interrogation of the journals of the editor Elsevier and covering all the disciplines, in particular sciences and techniques and medicine. |
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | Collection of journals specializing in applied mathematics and computer science. |
Access only from the Ecole Polytechnique network.
Mass downloading of journal articles is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate suspension of access to the resource for the entire institution.
Links | Description |
Europresse | Europresse has more than 17,000 sources of information (regional, national, international, generalist and specialized press, websites, biographies, etc.). Europresse is not only a searchable database, but also an offer of journals in native PDF format accessible via the "Publications" menu on the home page. The database documents are updated daily. Europresse has provided access to Le Monde content and archives since 2001. 20 simultaneous connections accessible to the entire population of IP Paris |
SciVal | Database for developing indicators to measure the quality and impact of an institute's research projects. Data from more than 14,000 research institutes and 230 countries around the world can be analyzed, making it possible to position themselves in global research, develop collaborative partnerships and analyze research trends. SciVal complements the indicators already offered in Scopus To use this tool, you must create an account. |
Scopus | Scopus is one of the largest abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. |
Techniques de l’Ingénieur | French-language scientific database in encyclopaedic form, offering thematic, multidisciplinary dossiers in the major scientific and technological fields. Remote consultation is possible once a personal account has been created. |
zbMATH Open | zbMATH Open (formerly known as Zentralblatt MATH) is the world's most comprehensive and longest-running abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics. |
SciFinder-n | SciFinder-n is a bibliographic database produced by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a division of the American Chemical Society (ACS). It covers all areas of chemistry and related sciences, enabling users to identify organic and inorganic substances as well as their chemical, physical, and biological properties. The access procedure is as follows: The first step to access Scifinder is to register from the X campus using the following link: https://scifinder.cas.org/registration/index.html?corpKey=643CCC90X86F35040X22A84F4041313AE366. Once the registration process is completed, you will be able to access the following URL: https://scifinder-n.cas.org. |
Web of Science | Web of Science is a database providing access to 2.3 billion bibliographic references from more than 22,000 scientific journals, conference proceedings and book chapters. This collection of bibliographic indexes also makes it possible to generate bibliometric indicators. |
INIS ![]() | The INIS database (International Nuclear Information System) is owned by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and receives contributions from 131 countries as well as several international organizations. It holds bibliographic data on peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology. In addition, this database also covers environmental and economic aspects related to energy sources other than nuclear, such as fossil fuels, renewable energy, and hydrogen. INIS currently contains over 4.4 million references of all types of documents, such as books, journal articles, conference proceedings, reports, and theses. Moreover, INIS provides direct access to an exceptional collection of nearly 580,000 full-text gray literature documents. |
Links | Description |
Publications in open access, with or without full-text, of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris. | |
HAL Polytechnique | Publications in open access, with or without full-text, of the École Polytechnique. |
HAL theses | Archiving platform for electronic thesis. |
DUMAS | DUMAS (Dépôt Universitaire de Mémoires Après Soutenance) is an open archive portal for student works starting from BAC+4 (with the exception of doctoral theses which must be deposited on the HAL Theses portal), validated by a jury, in all disciplines. It also offers research-oriented BAC+3 level works in more confidential paramedical fields. The DUMAS portal is hosted by HAL. |
OpenAire | European initiative to promote Open Science. Grant access to a wide range of scientific publications and research data of more than 50 partner, from all European Union countries and beyond. |
Dart-Europe E-Theses Portal | Open Access portal of theses from 533 universities of 27 European countries. |
Links | Description |
Techniques de l’Ingénieur | French-language scientific database in encyclopaedic form, offering thematic, multidisciplinary dossiers in the major scientific and technological fields. Remote consultation is possible once a personal account has been created. |