Research Support
The doctoral thesis allows to obtain the grade of doctor and contributes to the growing of scientific knowledge. One of the library’s mission is to point out, treat and preserve these original documents, which are part of the École Polytechnique’s heritage.
Deposit process
You cannot defend without have deposited your thesis (pre-defence version) in ADUM before, and contacted us.
Legal deposit
The theses process fulfils the obligation of the legal deposit, subject to the order of the august, 7th 2006.
This deposit assures to theses the long-term archiving (under the responsibility of the Centre Informatique National de l'Enseignement Supérieur (CINES), the description via, and allows, if the authors accept it, the online spreading on the HAL theses portal.
Confidential thesis
After hearing the opinion of the board of examiners, and exceptionally, the superintendent of the school of defence can decree that the thesis is confidential.
Therefore, the thesis cannot be read before the end of confidentiality, even in the school of defence.
Confidential theses are pointed out in the French national higher education catalogue (SUDOC) (eventually with incomplete summary and keywords) and in the search engine
Theses under embargo
The doctor can choose to put an embargo on the thesis, during limited time, waiting for research result to be published in scientific journals or to respect embargos imposed by publishers.
Theses embargoed are not online before the end of the chosen date, but can be consulted at the library, on a dedicated computer.
Since 2016, the deposit is electronic only. Theses whose author have authorized the online spreading are automatically deposited in HAL theses with a certification. So, the doctor does not need to do it by himself or herself.
Non-confidential theses or not embargoed but in which the author refused the spreading online can be consulted at the library, on a dedicated computer.
The HAL open archive
The HAL open archive, created in 2001 by the Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe (CCSD, dependant from the CNRS), is a web portal of consultation and long-term deposit of scientific productions, multidisciplinary and in Open Access. Following the open science movement, HAL has been adopted by a wide number of French higher education schools and research institutions.
The Polytechnique HAL portal, open in 2010, focuses on the scientific production of the 23 laboratories of the École Polytechnique: more than 1.1 millions of full-text documents are available in HAL, of which more than 21 000 for the École Polytechnique.
The Institut Polytechnique de Paris HAL portal gathers publications and theses of the 5 schools (École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE, Telecom Paris and Telecom SudParis) published since June 2019 (creation of the IPParis). More than 12300 publications and theses are listed, of which about 7700 available in full-text
HAL deposit process
Portals are freely available
For any information or help to deposit, please contact Aurélien ARNOUX, in charge of scientific and technical information at the library. Training can also be planned in laboratories on demand.
- HAL user guide
- Article 30 de la LOI n° 2016-1321 du 7 octobre 2016 pour une République numérique (law for a digital republic, in french)
- Open Access France (in French)
- Practical guide for PhD students: Passeport for Open Science
- Video tutorial on Youtube
Avoid plagiarism
Plagiarism is a partial or full copy of an other’s production in our production without citing the author and the source.
It concerns all kind of productions and supports (paper or electronic).
If you decide to include work of another author (sentence, table, graph,…) to your own work, you absolutely need :
- To ask the right holder
- To mention the name of the author and the source, the most precisely you can
It permits to respect the copyright but also to ensure the scientific integrity of your work.
Within the scope of Open Science, the library of the École Polytechnique encourages the spreading and sharing of knowledge in Open Access.
- Guide for authors of scientific papers (in French): « Je publie, quels sont mes droits ? »
Thesis writing
Thesis having an official and legal value, some information has to be present on it (Thesis National Number, members of the jury, date and place of defence, etc.). the Institut Polytechnique de Paris provides a template for the front and back covers, common to the 5 schools. This template exists in 3 formats (Word, LibreOffice and LaTeX) and available on the PHD page of the l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris website, in the « Documents utiles » section.