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Three École Polytechnique Masters confirm their success in the Eduniversal 2025 ranking
The Master Visual and Creative AI and the Master Energy Environment: Science, Technology and Management took 1st and 2nd place in their categories, as in 2024. The Master Internet of Things: Innovation and Management, meanwhile, moved up two places to 4th in its category.
Education, Corporate relations
École Polytechnique Executive Education to train French business leaders in AI
École Polytechnique Executive Education will train MEDEF business leaders in Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as organizing “learning expeditions” on the theme of quantum and cybersecurity. This mission was entrusted to X-EXED following a collaboration agreement between the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, of which École Polytechnique is a founding member, and the Mouvement des Entreprises de France (MEDEF), the main French business organisation.
A new MSc&T “Extended Cinematography” in partnership with ENS Louis-Lumière
From September 2025, École Polytechnique and ENS Louis-Lumière will launch “Extended Cinematography” (XCin), a new Master of Science & Technology, to train image specialists capable of designing tomorrow's tools for virtual production in the viedo and film industries. École Polytechnique thus extends its MSc&T programs, launched in 2016, which today welcome almost 400 students.
École Polytechnique once again tops Usine Nouvelle's ranking of French Engineering Schools
L'Usine Nouvelle 2025 ranking of engineering Schools confirms Ecole Polytechnique’s 1st place. École Polytechnique particularly stands out for its international reach and the employability of its graduates.
École Polytechnique tops Le Figaro's 2025 ranking of French Engineering Schools
École Polytechnique, top of Figaro Étudiant's 2025 ranking of French Engineering Schools, stands out for its academic performance, international outlook and employability. Against a backdrop of a shortage of engineers in France, this recognition underlines its key role in training talent to meet technological and ecological challenges.
Education, Corporate relations
AI finds its way to the X-Forum 2024
On November 26 and 27, the 32nd edition of X-Forum, the annual event bringing together students from l'X and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, and over 150 international companies, schools and universities on the X campus, attracted almost 2,000 participants, including 1,000 Polytechnique students. Students from the Cycle ingénieur polytechnicien program, Master's and PhD students from École Polytechnique and other Schools came to meet their future employers.
Education, Institution
French tech, media and real estate mogul, Xavier Niel, at École Polytechnique for a roundtable with students
Xavier Niel, telecommunications and digital entrepreneur, press owner, co-founder of the Station F incubator and several digital training schools, held a round-table discussion with students from École Polytechnique, focusing on entrepreneurship. He emphasized the contribution of École Polytechnique and its graduates to France's performance in digital technology and artificial intelligence.
Education, Corporate relations
École Polytechnique in the world's Top 30 for graduate employability-THE
École Polytechnique ranks 26th in THE world ranking of universities for the employability of their graduates, and 3rd in France. École Polytechnique gained two places in this worldwide ranking of 250 higher education and research institutions.
International, Education
Welcome to the international academic exchange program at l’X
As part of the École Polytechnique’s international academic exchange program, more than sixty students from thirty excellent partner institutions across the globe have joined l’X for the start of the 2024 academic year. Students will get the opportunity to discover the French academic and scientific culture at l’X during an exchange semester. They will follow courses within the Bachelor of Science program or the Ingénieur Polytechnicien Program, depending on their specialization and level of study.
Three collective scientific projects from the X2022 class awarded
Nine Collective Scientisfic Projects (CSPs) were selected by the education and research departments from the 112 CSPs of the X2022 class. A jury made up of personalities from the worlds of academia, business and the press singled out three of them at the final held on September 16.
The X-HEC Master Data Science & AI for Business, in the Top 3 of the QS 2025 worldwide rankingsement QS 2025
The X-HEC Master's in Data Science & AI for Business remains in third place worldwide out of 164 comparable programs in the 2024 QS Masters in Business Analytics ranking. It is once again ranked No. 1 worldwide in terms of employer reputation.
Arcep, a new partner for the MSC&T “Data and Economics for Public Policy”
France's Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications, Postal Affairs and Press Distribution (Arcep) has signed an educational partnership with École Polytechnique, ENSAE Paris and Telecom Paris, as part of the MSC&T "Data and Economics for Public Policy”. Launched at the start of the 2023 academic year, this course aims to improve public policy through the use of data.