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Gerondeau - Safran 2024 Awards awarded to INEN Robotics and Greyn
The winners of this 13th edition of the Gerondeau - Safran Prize convinced the jury with their innovations in the fields of health and construction. They each received 15,000 euros to develop their projects.
École Polytechnique, silver medallist at the 2024 International Physicists Tournament
After winning the French selection, a team from École Polytechnique engineering students came second in the final of the 16th International Physicists Tournament organized from April 2 to 6 by the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Zürich (ETH) in Switzerland.
Two researchers from École Polytechnique’s laboratories elected to the French Academy of Sciences
Josselin Garnier, researcher at the Centre for Applied Mathematics (CMAP) and Sandrine Bony, Research Director at the CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique within the Laboratory of Dynamic Meteorology (LMD) are among the 18 scientists newly elected to the French Academy of Sciences.
Manas Upadhyay receives an award from the French Society for Metallurgy and Materials
Manas Upadhyay, an Assistant Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique, is awarded the Jean & André Rist Medal 2022 for his work on understanding the microstructure of materials. His research at the Solid Mechanics Laboratory is currently directed towards making metal additive manufacturing more sustainable.
Gerondeau - Safran Awards 2022: Entrepreneurship, a long-term challenge
The 12th edition of the Gerondeau - Safran Prize, awarded on November 9, confirmed the commitment of its founders to long-term entrepreneurship, and rewarded three disruptive start-ups with strong industrial and technological components: Amphitrite, Stratolia and Surge.
Sustainable Development, Education, Research
Two X students receive prestigious awards for their research in responsible finance
The research papers of two École Polytechnique students in the field of responsible investment has been distinguished by the Forum for Responsible Investment - Principles for Responsible Investment Awards, which recognize outstanding academic research in the field of finance and sustainable development.
Quantum entanglement: from a philosophical debate to the Nobel Prize
The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics rewards the experiments with entangled particles conducted by Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger, which paved the way for the "second quantum revolution". Let's take a look back at this story, which arose from questions about the nature of quantum physics.
Six start-ups launched by X alumni rewarded by the 24th I-Lab competition
Two of the six X start-ups rewarded at the 24th I-Lab competition - Runblind and InSpek - are supported by the X-TECH incubator at the Drahi X Novation Center. The other four - Enginn Technologies, Ever Dye, S2S and Silina - were created by X alumni.
Ahmed Shokry awarded for his work on machine-learning
Ahmed Shokry Abdelaleem, a research engineer at the Centre for Applied Mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique, won the 2022 Excellence Award in Computer Aided Process Engineering, granted by the European Federation of Chemical Engineering.
Pascal Chabert awarded a CNRS silver medal
Pascal Chabert, CNRS research director at the Plasma Physics Laboratory and Professor at École Polytechnique, has just been awarded a CNRS silver medal. It recognises his significant work in the field of plasma physics, with applications for microelectronics and space propulsion.