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Identifying the components of tomorrow's low-carbon cement
In France, the cement industry emits 10 million tonnes of CO2 per year. The greenhouse gas comes from the manufacture of cement's active ingredient, clinker. At the Irradiated Solids Laboratory (LSI*), Marie-Noëlle de Noirfontaine and Mireille Courtial are carrying out detailed characterizations of materials likely to replace clinker. An essential step in the decarbonization of the industry.
Chairs, Research
Econophysics, a new approach to economics
In November 2023, the “Econophysics & Complex Systems” Chair was celebrating its 5th anniversary, a good time for the EconophysiX research team led by Michael Benzaquen to take stock. Find out more about this discipline, which approaches economics using methods derived from the natural sciences.
MERGE: biology through A+B
How does a bacterial line behave in the face of a cocktail of antibiotics, cancer cells in the face of chemotherapy, or the Guyanese forest in the face of climate change? At the Center for Applied Mathematics (CMAP), the MERGE team works at the interface between biology and mathematics. It contributes to the emergence of new questions and tools in the latter field, while shedding light on the problems faced by biologists.
SInfoNiA: modeling information, modeling the intangible
Financial crises, currency attacks, social stability... our world's economic activity is particularly sensitive to information and the way it circulates. Led by Olivier Gossner, Research Director at the Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST) and winner of an ERC Advanced Grant from the European Union in 2024, the SInfoNiA project analyzes how the dissemination of information impacts collective choices.
Chairs, Research
Gauthier Vermandel recognised for his research into green finance
In December, Gauthier Vermandel was awarded the Banque de France's 2023 "Young Researchers in Green Finance" prize for his work on the impact of the carbon tax on financial markets.
BepiColombo space mission witnesses oxygen and carbon escaping from Venus
On its way to study Mercury, the BepiColombo probe flew over Venus. On board, the MSA instrument, for which the Plasma Physics Laboratory contributed to the design, detected carbon and oxygen ions escaping into space from the Venusian atmosphere. A first in this region.
Three École Polytechnique researchers win ERC Advanced Grants
Every year, the European Research Council supports ground-breaking research and scientific excellence. In 2024, Charles Baroud, from École Polytechnique’s Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LadHyX), Olivier Gossner, from the Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST) and Joris van der Hoeven from École Polytechnique’s Computer Laboratory each receive an ERC fellowship in the Advanced Grants category.
The AAMS 2024 international conference at École Polytechnique from September 4 to 6, 2024
This symposium brings together international specialists in Additive Manufacturing of metals, a fast-growing field of research. The scientific conference is intended as a forum for discussion, with a particular focus on young researchers.
Chairs, Research
CLIFIRIUM: a multidisciplinary conference on climate economics
The second CLIFIRIUM conference (Climate finance, risk and uncertainty modelling) was held from 09 to 11 October 2023 at the Banque de France and the French Banking Federation. It was organised by the "Stress-Test: Risk Management and Financial Steering" Chair, headed by Emmanuel Gobet (professor at the École Polytechnique) at the Center for Applied Mathematics (CMAP*) and supported by BNP Paribas.
Chairs, Research
20 years of sponsorship for the ecological and energy transition
The "Sustainable Development" and "Sustainable Energies" teaching and research chairs, both supported by EDF, are celebrating their 20th and 15th anniversaries, a long-term commitment to the ecological and energy transition.
Chairs, Research
Call for applications for the "CFM Women in Quantitative Finance" PhD scholarship
For the 5th year running, the Chair “Econophysics and Complex Systems” is receiving applications for the CFM Women in Quantitative Finance scholarship, which provides funding for a doctoral thesis pursued by a top candidate. Natascha Hey, the 2022 laureate, describes her work on video.
Chairs, Research
Inauguration of the Chair “Trustworthy and Responsible Artificial Intelligence”
Crédit Agricole S.A., École Polytechnique and the École Polytechnique Foundation are launching the Chaire "Trustworthy and Responsible Artificial Intelligence". Its aim is to explore and define new methods for designing Artificial Intelligence systems that are ethical, robust, secure, frugal, and explainable.